My gaming forum is having a contest in November for some PC Games. Contest for November 2009 - Forums on console and computer games Instead of just posting in the forum, the winners are determined by the total number of points they get in a one month time period 1 point for every post in the forum 50 points for every gaming video uploaded to youtube with ELGMS.COM watermarked in it, and a working link to the site in the first line of the video description. Videos must meet youtube guidelines, and must be at least 1 minute long. Please do not post any rick rolled videos. For all of the guidelines and rules, please check out the above link. 1st place winner - $50 worth of games off of Steam 2nd place winner - $25 worth of games off of steam
Can we submit videos we already made? You can see my machinima films on Vimeo here. I also have a You Tube account HERE, but You Tube likes to remove stuff sometimes, so you can find more of my films on Vimeo. Some of my most popular films: Orbiter Space Flight Simulator - [ame=""]YouTube - 'Apollo 11: Remastered' - An Orbiter Film[/ame] Microsoft Flight Simulator X - [ame=""]YouTube - 'Glide Path' - An FSX Film[/ame] Silent Hunter 4 - [ame=""]YouTube - 'Pacific Fury II' - A Silent Hunter 4 Film[/ame] GTA: San Andreas - [ame=""]'A Tragic Love' - GTA: San Andreas Film on Vimeo[/ame]
Only if they contain a watermark for in the video A lot of sites pull videos from youtube. So just putting a link to elgms in the video description does not tap into that market. I want people to see the sites name regardless of they are on or off youtube.
Fair enough. I would join and enter the contest officially, but I no longer have the raw files needed to re-render those films without severe loss of quality. I like the idea though, maybe I will have some sort of comp with prizes on my site as well.