Forum URL: Forum Name: Ninja UK Launch Date: July 2009 Posts/Threads/Members: 6,583 posts, 750 threads, 172 members Forum Software: vBulletin Description: Forum for UK based Kawasaki Ninja owners (although anyone is welcome) Thank you.
Couple of points, you might want to look at tightening up some of your forums. Less is more when starting out. As ya grow, create more forum sections as needed. It's easier to manage too, plus it will make your forum look "bigger" than it is...especially important when starting out. If you absolutely need at chatbox I'd only show it to registered members. Might save some bandwidth too. I like your skin, it's clean, easy to navigate (like the tabs) and I like the Kawi green and people that will be coming to your site will like it too, I'm sure. Open up that community! Private, private, private. I see what you're shooting for, people will register to read "how to's", "references", etc. Those guys typically get what they want and never contribute. Show off your content, let everyone read it. Who knows, one of your articles could save a googlin rider's life. Keep the rubber side down :2cents:
Hi Trip, Thank you for taking the time to have a look at my forum. I am not sure how I would go about reducing the number of forums now. I can see what your saying and if I was starting over I would have less. I have taken your advice and hidden the chatbox from guests as well as making the technical and reference forums visible. The member discounts remains hidden though. I am glad you like the look of the skin. Once again, many thanks, Graeme.
Thanks. I don't know about upgrading. I can't really see any huge benefit and I don't want to lose all my products/plugins.
The site looks fantastic. Full marks. I wish I could make my front page as impressive. Can I ask what you did it with? Was it vBAdvanced or did you custom write it?
Great looking forum! You might want to fix your title for the picture block- small spelling error. Otherwise, everything looks professional!