Is there a free mod for a news letter? Like the one on admin addict in the User CP, how how do i see the emails they entered? Or just a plugin with a BCC format because i currently have mail chimp to handle everything but i dont want to create the emails with them and they do not offer a BCC format and they have a 100 subscriber limit.. Thanks
Not sure about a specific one for vBulletin, but you can check some templates here. Unless you'd like to use CommBull.. which you can get here.
I to am looking for a way to produce and send my members a newsletter. All the solutions I can find such a CommBull and GAZ pull stuff from the site and send it to users. I want to write content to send to users, don't really want to send them a listing of various posts and threads. Do you send out a newsletter with content written specifically for the newsletter? If so, how?
I thought GAZ did let you write the content and added the other stuff as filler? At least that was my impression.
It's really hard to tell what GAZ allows you to do. That product is not well documented on the site and the wiki link is broken. I'm not about to fork over $50 without some knowledge of the product.
If you're serious about sending a newsletter and have more than a couple thousand users than you should be looking at a standalone newsletter tool. Doing it from the Admin CP is counterproductive. Use something like HTML Email Marketing from MailChimp to handle this. In the long run, you'll be happy that you did and you can use newsletter advertising to offset the costs.
Thanks. The question then becomes can one export the mail list out of vB and into a product such as this? I need to look into this and Constant Contact a bit more as I do want to send a newsletter every month. Registrations are now at just over 600 and growing. Not bad for a forum open a scant 2 months.
I assume Constant Contact is a good choice because many of the website newsletters I am subscribed to and receive are mostly managed by Constant Contact. That's the first company I would personally look into if I needed a solution.
I was doing some searching for a Newsletter option and found this older thread. I found the new Commbull option for 3.8.4 here: Commbull (Community Bulletin) 5.1 - Forum Anyone else have other options that may have more customized fields or any new mods that I haven't found yet out there?
Not sure what the state of GAZ is since I sold but FWIW it was a pretty powerful product if your goal was to generate a regular mailout of mainly forum content (i.e. new and hot threads, etc...). Doing that in a separate email marketing system would be a royal PITA. However if you wanted to generate most of your own content then a separate marketing system is certainly the way forward. GAZ did let you create blocks of your own content and/or set and forget it. One of the systems I'll be sad to let go when I drop vB
Mikey, that reminds me that I won that one in a contest that Brandon ran on his former site! Gotta remind Gio about me being able to download the latest version.
To send out my monthly newsletter, it would cost $150 a month through mailchimp. I just can not justify that kind of money right now. In the next 3 or 4 months, if I used mailchimp, I would be spending $240 a month to send out the newsletter, because I would be sending out more then 25,000 emails. 10,001 - 25,000 emails - $150 a month 25,001 - 50,000 - $240 a month Even at $240 a month, I would only be able to send out 2 mass emails a month. I can not sale a lot of advertising space like that. Last month, my newsletter was sent to about 21,000 members. On average, my forum gets 1,000 - 1,2000 new members monthly. In the next couple of months, I will break that 25,000 email limit set by mailchimp.
I dont even use vB anymore so thanks for the suggestions i suppose its just a general thread for anyone wanting a newsletter (not that it wasnt anyway, but you get what i mean) Im Actually looking for a similar service to MailChimp (using IPB3 mass mail option atm) but MailChimp require and you MUST have your address in each email, which i don't want, If you could just submit to them and be done with it then it would be fine but i refuse to have my physical address in each and every mail.
Go down to the local post office and rent you a post office box. There ya go, instant physical address.
Oooo i might,, Considering they'er only £62 a year, If i don't find an alternative within a week i guess i will, Thanks.