Newbie from NC

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MissyFowler, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member is the other armpit
  2. barry

    barry Regular Member

    Welcome Missy!
  3. lc69hunter

    lc69hunter Regular Member

    Newk, Redneck,

    I have to agree. Neither place is an example of Carolina's finest. Kind of like RR, I had the psycho wife from hell that I met and married in Jacksonville. That lasted 5 years and I sent her ass back to J'ville.
  4. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

    I had the privelege of growing up in Fayettenam and still have flashbacks. Newk at least was only there for his Junior High and High School years. Of course before that he was in West Virginia so you could look at his move to NC as an improvement.
  5. divine

    divine Regular Member

    I work about 10 miles away from North Carolina.
  6. Eison

    Eison Guest

    Hi and welcome to the board, always nice to have other members from the Carolinas on board.
  7. MissyFowler

    MissyFowler Regular Member

    Yep.. I am a Tarheel.. and crazy about the 'Canes and the Panthers!!!! Go Panthers!!! :lol:
    Thanks for the warm welcome y'all.
  8. Vince Clortho

    Vince Clortho Regular Member

    I like southern accents. :)
  9. john carter

    john carter Regular Member

  10. MissyFowler

    MissyFowler Regular Member

    You guys are really funny.. I also moved from W.Va... but, to, don't know how much of an improvement that was!!
  11. Newk

    Newk Regular Member

    Were in WV did you come from?>
  12. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

    One holler over from you...........:mellow:
  13. barry

    barry Regular Member

    our rookie quarterback smoked ya'll's ASS Sunday night! :p
  14. Samiam

    Samiam Regular Member

    God damned yanks.
  15. Samiam

    Samiam Regular Member

    By which I mean welcome.


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