Newbie from NC

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MissyFowler, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. MissyFowler

    MissyFowler Regular Member

    Hello gang! I am new here...Missy.. it is very nice to be here.. I know I will love it! :lol:
  2. Newk

    Newk Regular Member

    Hey missy :wave:, welcome.

    There are a few other Tarheels on here myself included.
  3. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member


  4. Snazz

    Snazz Regular Member

    Damn Tarheels are taking over.

    Hi y'all!!
  5. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

    Look Yankee. Don't try to assimilate.........:huh:
  6. Snazz

    Snazz Regular Member

    The town I live in, in South Jersey is more redneck than half of the South.
  7. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

    See, I knew once Foxworthy got famous there'd be pretenders everywhere........
  8. Snazz

    Snazz Regular Member

    Here's a story from our town that many still take pride in.
    Martin Luther King Jr. just as he was becoming well know walked into a bar on the edge of town. He asked if he could use the phone and maybe get a drink. The owner pulled out a shoygun and said we don't serve your kind in this bar and he suggested that going into town probably wouldn't be a good idea either. Even now if you walked into the High School cafeteria one might find one table with minorties at it, but the rest would be lilly white.
  9. MartinH

    MartinH Regular Member

    Damn I thought it was diddys sister...

    Hi whoever you are :wave:
  10. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

  11. MartinH

    MartinH Regular Member

    She's legal, I can dream :shifty:

    So is that your wife or something?
  12. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

    Nah...........but she has a sister named Missy.........:think:..............nah.......not likely............
  13. Vince Clortho

    Vince Clortho Regular Member

  14. divine

    divine Regular Member

  15. lc69hunter

    lc69hunter Regular Member

    Welcome! I miss Carolina sometimes, but not much, and not for long.^_^
  16. Frankkov

    Frankkov Regular Member


  17. Mark

    Mark Regular Member

    hello and welcome.

  18. rantingredneck

    rantingredneck Regular Member

    If you spent most of your time at Lejeune I can see why...........Jacksonville is the armpit of NC.
  19. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Welcome to the Board! :)
  20. Newk

    Newk Regular Member

    With fayettnam coming in a close second.

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