newb . . .

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Gaara, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. Gaara

    Gaara Regular Member

    Hi, im new and i got a fagillion questions to ask like.................Who watches Naruto?.....I DO!!!!!!!........:kickcan:
  2. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hello, Gaara!

    Nice to meet You there :beer:

    The answer is : I don't :lol:
  3. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup, Gaara! :shake: Hope you enjoy it here!
  4. Stonelaughter

    Stonelaughter Regular Member

    What's a Naruto and what does one do when you watch it?
  5. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Welcome to the Soup Garra and Naruto is anime that is on Cartoon Network every Saturday. My son loves watching anime that is how I knew that question. :lol:
  6. Gaara

    Gaara Regular Member

    THAT SHOW ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Never mess with Gaara!:ticked:
  7. lordnation

    lordnation Regular Member

    Nice to meet you enjoy yourself!! keep posting!!!
  8. Gaara

    Gaara Regular Member

    im really 11 not 22 :)
  9. lobo

    lobo Guest

    We knew it :tongue:
  10. Taure Lirinen

    Taure Lirinen Regular Member

    Oi there... Ive never seen naruto... I used to be really big on anime though... Kinda grew out of it I guess... Happy posting... Seyez 'round.
  11. Gaara

    Gaara Regular Member

    how do i get R E P power?? . . . anyone play cityofheroes or cityofvillians?
  12. lordnation

    lordnation Regular Member

    Lol, people just could guess your 11 :nod:
    and.. no I haven't seen Naruto...
  13. Gaara

    Gaara Regular Member

    :blah: this site doent got much games are we gonna get more?
  14. Gaara

    Gaara Regular Member

    *doesnt :embarass:
  15. lordnation

    lordnation Regular Member

    Gaara you need 100 posts for access to the arcade..
    also good job posting..!!!

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