Yes, as you may have guessed, I'm new to the site. Don't worry, I'm not one of those illiterate noobs that come around every once in a while. Trust me, I've seen them, and I know what they are capable of. Well, that's pretty much it. Anything else that you should know will probably be in my profile here soon.
Hi Caron and welcome to the soup. As you know all newbies will be escorted to the examining room where prox has the exciting job of probing. Don't worry it doesn't hurt a bit. lol have fun.
Hello and Welcome to the Soup, Caron! :shake: Hope you enjoy it here. And like rosebud said, the probin' won't hurt at all...hehe...:ut-oh: Enjoy your stay!
Hello, and welcome. I don't know if I'll probe you 100 times, it depends on how much you struggle. Either way time for the welcome probe. Bend it over and prepare to be probed, don't worry it will only hurt a lot.
Welcome to the mothership, you guys. Good time to visit the place, I'm working on some nice new enhancements so watch for them!