Hello there, We have just yesterday made an all new webmaster forum and would like a quick review from you all Webmaster Forum Not many members or posts as of yet but we intend to be the greatest someday Please tell us what needs improving upon, I am aware of plenty of flaws myself but would like a review still. If you have any good ideas you would like to see then please tell us so we can implement them if possible, maybe you can think of something we can offer that is better than what other webmaster forums offer. Thank you very much
I don't really get your name, Web Trusion; it sounds more suited to anti-virus software, or maybe a security forum, than a webmasters forum. I don't like the logo; it seems meaningless, the colors chosen at random, the ovals blurry. I hope you don't think I'm being mean, I just think it looks like it's in the very beginning stages of being set up. Not what an experienced web master could do.
The name webtrusion comes from the meaning of trusion which means to push, we chose the name as we were thinking of some great slogans to do with pushing the web/webmasters forward if you get me which we want to incorporate somehow. The logo is completely temporary, but not all logos have meaning behind them. The colours are the same as the rest of the forum blue and green and the black oval for the text, just something thrown together temp I am not as experienced as some webmasters out there of course and were in the very beginning stages with this forum. Do you have any suggestions for us other than the logo?
A layout that makes post readable, thoughts and ideas about the future of the net/web design/software, and well...just something. You have so much competition that you need something. I can mention a few things, but it won't be what'll kick start your forum. That's up for you to decide and think of.
Right, it's really plain with bog standard status icons; it needs to be more unique. Thank you for explaining the name; I can understand your reasoning better now, but I think it's likely it will still confuse others.
It's very wide because of the fluid layout. I don't enjoy going from all the way from one side to the other.
Are you on a mobile phone or something? @sol Were thinking of getting new domain, I will PM you with what we have so far as ideas, going to have a real good overhaul of the skin soon too Thanks!
Oh I see, I thought he meant he had a small screen so had to scroll left and right to view it properly. I see how you mean I am on a 22" but normally have it a bit bigger than 1024x768.
Server not found Fireox can't find the server at www.webtrusion.com. * Check the address for typing errors such as ww.example.com instead of www.example.com * If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. * If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Lol sorry about that Wayne, just changed domains there to a new one Webmaster & Web Design Forums - ProWebForums.com We are changing the sites scope now and re-doing the skin, which is right now in major maintenance mode
Seems amateurish to me and there are validation errors. When visit a webmaster and design forum, I expect it to set the highest example. You posting this topic to get a review on your site was horribly premature. You weren't ready then and you aren't ready now. Jim
Thanks Jim, would you have a look now and tell me if it looks better and where it can be improved. Also, unlike the majority of the webmaster sites I wont be integrating with wordpress or using vbadvanced as I personally think theyre both overkill for some forums. Please suggest any improvements thanks! And yes very premature. If you were referring to my old skin where it looked green and lots of blue it never looked the same as was that when I first asked for the critique, after I got one I started to mess with the colours a little and changed my mind as I never liked it, I bought a premium template and I have edited it to how I like it and I think much better so can you please verify which skin you are talking about too so I know. Thanks!
The new name and skin is a definite improvement, but not the status icons; I'm hoping you'll tell me they're just placeholders
I really like them lol to be honest, they are just for the time being, I am not sure what types of status icons would look good, the logo still needs sorting out and I am onto the validation right now, down to 3 errors on the index, 4 on showthread and 1 warning no errors on forumdisplay Any ideas for some status icons?
But Sweeks, they look like Gumby! lol Hmm, tough one. Closed laptop/open laptop? Computer screen with 404 message/computer screen displaying a site?