New User

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by RealityCheck, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Regular Member

    RealityCheck is checking out OKJT. He has been a KJ for the last 10 years and is now retired. Looking forward to getting to know some of the regulars here :)
  2. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    I would say, "Welcome Realty" but as realty is a foreign concept to me, it would confuse me. But welcome, anyway.
  3. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Reality, we heartily welcome you! Jump in and enjoy!
  4. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Welcome aboard. :)
  5. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    Hello Reality, Welcome , Enjoy your stay!
  6. jokerswild

    jokerswild Regular Member

    Reality Bites but we still welcome a Check every now and again.
  7. KjAthena

    KjAthena Regular Member

    Welcome to our "sandbox" the screen name:winkpill:
  8. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

    Welcome RealityCheck...

    When I read "retired" & "KJ".... I read "stash of cdgs". PM me if I'm right :yespill:
  9. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Regular Member

    Big stash. All originals, no burns. Not interested in selling any of them :)

    If the landscape ever changes and the pirates get run off I -might- go back to work again some day. Unlikely, but remotely possible.
  10. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

    Me too. Only interested in buying them.

    That's the spirit. :errpill:

    I'll be sailing the seas among the pirates without the help of your stock-piled ammo.:winkpill:
  11. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Regular Member

    Unfortunately, they are willing to work for almost nothing (since they have no investment or overhead costs other than a download connection) and they seem to have everything before it even hits the store. Even the local karaoke business went under since no one was buying the disks anymore. Now I can only get them by buying off the internet from the makers websites. Since I have no money coming to make the purchases, I no longer am adding new disks. SC isn't putting out any new ones anyway, so it's not a big deal on my end.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh come on you know piracy doesn't affect this business!:rolleyespill:
  13. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Regular Member

    Not if you are one... if you aren't one you simply can't compete against someone that has "everything". There is no way I can come up with 250,000 tracks like those kids. Not from discs, that much is for sure. Its just not a level playing field. But nothing in life is fair so what else is new. I don't want to hear people "singing" Eminem and Snoop Dog anyway, so I don't miss it all that much. It has simply passed me by now.
  14. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Don't ever sell those discs. My husband and I went to computer but never sold our discs. We are now over 30,000 songs and loving it!
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