This thread is regarding the Games section. I would like to request a change of topics to the following to ensure our members the full opportunity to express themselves. This is my suggestion for how the Games section should be laid out: (in alphabetical order and examples of what to discuss are mentioned in parentheses) Mac Microsoft (X-Box) Nintendo (N64, GBC, GBA, Dolphin) PC Sega (Dreamcast) Sony (PSX, PSX2)
I thought many people would be in agreement of my suggestion for the topics of the Games section, but it looks like no one cares...
Hey. . I have this suggestion on my list, and we'll consider it.. We have a few priorities first, but if you guys like this suggestion, please reply to this thread so I get an indication of what sort of gamers are out there, etc. We could also use additional moderators in a few sections, we may post some jobs soon for those with qualifications. Thanks again for writing. ------------------ ^Alien^ -- Alien Soup Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
I might be interested in being a moderator in the hot deals section somewhere. I have no life. . ------------------ Wanted Anything Motorcycle related. I will pay cash!!!
Hey now, who says mods have no life . ------------------ My dvd list:
Yeah, I may be interested in being a moderator for some sections also. About new topics, maybe a "dogpound" section, where people post about companies they have had a bad experiences with, to warn others and such. People can also ask about a certain company before ordering. Then again, I suppose all these are answered in the Hot Deal section... ------------------ In Hong Kong, he'd be dead.
Actually, I think it would be better to shrink the number of forums. Maybe just PC and Console. While it's nice to have a forum for every console/platform, it also means that there are gonna be fewer posts in each forum. I don't think the games section is popular enough to warrant splitting it up even further. And the forums page is long enough as it is. Just my take on the situation as it is currently.
Computer and Console... In my opinion that would be too few topics. I still prefer my original one which has variety. I would like to say that I'd be happy to moderate any of the Games section. That's what I'm good at and I won't delete or lock any posts that are in disagreement with my own opinions. Only if they are inappropriate posts, then they be dealt with accordingly.