What is "Live Topic"? Live Topic is a forum tool that automatically loads posts in a thread you are viewing, without the need to refresh the page. Instead of making your post, waiting 30 seconds, then refreshing to see if someone replied, Live Topic will "magically" make the "reply post" appear. This should make your lives easier. How does Live Topic Work? Live Topic works by "searching" database for a reply to the current thread you are viewing. This takes less time than refreshing the page, uses less bandwidth, and you get to see the post milliseconds after it is posted...WITHOUT REFRESHING! How do I setup/enable Live Topic? You don't. Once installed, Live Topic becomes an automatic feature that becomes active on everyone's account. All you have to do is start posting to see it in action! Where/Who can I report any problems/bugs/questions about Live Topic? Mike and Michelle will be happy to help with any queries you may have about Live Topic. Please feel free to drop us a line at any time!
Good for you. Facebook causes problems for people! Like Me... I cant get off of it! If i am not on it on my computer..I am on my phone surfing! Its an addiction. I need help XD
lol. at least you passed the first step of admitting it. we are derailing a tad bit i guess it is slightly on topic. in a way..
its on topic if you were viewing this thread when i was posting. i could be demonstrating this feature in action, but i dont think you are...
if you were viewing this thread at the time i made my posts, it would be considered demonstration. Because you would see this feature "in action". But you werent viewing at the time...