New theme Added

Discussion in 'Admin Talk News' started by Kaiser, Nov 19, 2010.

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  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Just installed our new theme. Its a light one. Hope you guys like it. :)
  2. Sakura

    Sakura Regular Member

    But it seems you deleted the old one. You should of fixed it so we can change between them lol.
  3. Choloboy

    Choloboy Regular Member

    Really love it dude, real smooth theme.
    Terrorz likes this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    The old one was kind of buggy because it wouldnt dispaly text area colors properly.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

  6. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    I like the theme but it has an issue...the black background inside the forms makes it really hard to fill those in. You need to switch that to a light grey.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    how do I do so?
  8. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    Right now, I still haven't found the exact pieces...I'm working on those today. Since it's gonna be a template edit, I'll have to play hide and seek with it. I'll let you know as soon as I find it.

    These pieces are one reason custom skins haven't been offered yet. We're still in Beta and they've told us things may change in the styling system still.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Oh I see what you are saying, and one more question say when beta 4 comes out, will this theme be unusable because its for beta 3 ?
  10. topthisfact

    topthisfact Regular Member

    Very niec this theme is much more easier to access.
    Terrorz likes this.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks :)
  12. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    It shouldn't be. But there is a place to check for outdated templates in a theme under Appearance. If this one was made for you, just make sure you get a new one updated. If you made it, save the outdated template before reverting and then fix the issue.

    And no one said we would have a beta 4...we may go to RC next, who knows. :)
    Terrorz likes this.
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    That would be awesome.
  14. nolvorite

    nolvorite Regular Member

    Looks classy. Feels good bro :D
    Terrorz likes this.
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks man :)
  16. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    Okay, I found one of the spots:
     .navTabs .navTab.selected .tabLinks a:hover,
    			.navTabs .navTab.selected .tabLinks a:focus
    				text-decoration: none;
    				padding: 0 9px;
    				border: 1px solid @primaryLight;
    				background: @primaryLighterStill;
    				color: @primaryDark;
    				border-radius: 5px;
    				text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px @primaryLightest;
    				outline: 0;
    It's the background, but to be sure, replace it with a glaringly obvious color such a bright yellow in your case, which is a hex value of #ffff00 and then save, in one tab, go to the other tab, and see what changed. Once you have it correct, put in the hex value you want in there. The grey around the text box would work beautifully.

    As soon as I find the others, I'll let you know.
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks, will try it later.
  18. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Love the new skin hated the dark one :).
    Terrorz likes this.
  19. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Haha thanks :)
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