New Tech Horizon

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by agent51, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    Name: New Tech Horizon
    Description: New technology news, reviews and forums
    Other Information: Site launched a few months ago from the ashes of a popular 64bit forum. Not the same owners.
    We are into more than just AMD, 64bit items. Our forum has everything from hardware to smart phones.
    Check us out.
  2. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Nice forum and Site.
  3. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    Thanks BlazingBlue
    We built it for all those who wanted a little more than one product and one app.
    I'm thinking of moving over to Xenforo but will wait until they have a CMS.
    A CMS is essential for product reviews.
    For now, we are getting Joomla up and running.
  4. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Your Welcome. What are you running it on now?
  5. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    IPB 3.1.3 with unreal portal.
    IPB has an IP.Content module that cost $50 and doesnt work.
    I gave it back to them. Unless you are a coder (I'm not) IP.Content is useless.
    If you use the IP.Content wrapper to get it to integrate into your forum with the demo/template it does not work with IE.
    I was looking at VB suite, but it is way too expensive for the upgrades. VB is trying to be like MS.
  6. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    VB has always been that way. Don't know much about IPB though. Heard it was a great software though.
  7. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    If IPB would figure out a way (and they could if they wanted to) to bridge either Joomla or wordpress, it would be great.
  8. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    did you get a look at our joomla page?
  9. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    No, do you have the link?
  10. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

  11. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

  12. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    I've been learning Joomla for about 2 months now :eek::)
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Good luck agent, and nice site. And I dont think XenForo will ever be a suite. Just a forum. And btw its great :)
  14. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    I agree. I know it won't thru to it's stable version. K/M/A want it as a mature, bug free, forum before anything else. And why reinvent the wheel? Bridges to already existing cms'es can be built, as one already has. Plus, Brian of vbAdvanced already has a xfAdvanced being planned as soon as the software is stable. And then we also have anther major modding house who has already released a lite version of a portal.
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea, and I saw the lite one, its decent but thanks for keeping me updated about xfadvanced being planned.
  16. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    All you computer people out there, come visit and join our forum.
    We have a lot of friendly knowedgeable people there.
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I will join soon :)
  18. Loading

    Loading Regular Member

    Your portal is kinda confusing for me but your forum looks good, good luck.
  19. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

    Thanks Loading
    We do have alot of info on the portal.
    Once you get used to it, its not so bad.
  20. Loading

    Loading Regular Member

    I just had a quick view so a lot of letters kinda confused me. Now, I had a better view and noticed it's a simple portal.

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