New swapit forum!

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Dillan, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Dillan

    Dillan Regular Member

    Brand new swapit forum:
  2. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    o yeah :), i remember that i used to be a member on the old one, it was great :)
  3. Teekay

    Teekay Regular Member

    I used to use Swapit to buy and sell games, don't use it anymore but I still go on 1 Swapit forum now and then but not as much as before.

    You could name the points system Swapits, that would be really good.
  4. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    hm....yes Tejmal, liking the ideas :)
  5. Khaleel

    Khaleel Regular Member

    what is swapit about?
  6. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    buy/sell get points etc.....
  7. x-treme

    x-treme Regular Member

    It's not loading for me...
  8. Khaleel

    Khaleel Regular Member

    for what?
  9. Teekay

    Teekay Regular Member is like ebay but for kids and for people over 18 but mainly kids. Instead of real money you deal in Swapits and you buy and sell your stuff for Swapits.

    The site he is promoting a forum for that site which helps buyers and sellers with their sales on the main site.
  10. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    Nice website, good luck with it :D

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