I am working on the new style. I have purchased Audentio Designs xenBlock theme and will be using it for the default style. It should be done by the end of the day today. The theme is set to a fluid width right now so the old theme will still be available until I add a fixed width style of the new theme.
That should only take a few seconds. Create the fixed width style as a child of the fluid width style, then set ACP -> Styles -> Style Properties -> General: Page Width Controller to e.g. max-width: 992px; That style will then inherit all of the settings from the parent fluid width style, apart from the width.
New style is turned on. 2 versions. Fluid as default and fixed for those that like fixed styles. I will leave the old style on for a few days.
I notice a new colour scheme. Also on the right hand side next to my user name there are two small boxs showing the first one says " FO EO" and the second shows "FO 24" is this something that needs looking at?
I am using firefox. My ISP recently went down for while so this may be affecting things. I have tried another OS and it is working ok. It may be the image section of my other PC. It should be ok now thanks.
I used to use the child style features of vbulletin, but, it never seemed to work correctly. Changes in the parent sometimes would propagate, sometimes not. Not with xenforo. Edit parent and all children changed. Took me longer than it should have because up until you posted I didn't trust that the changes would take across both styles.
This is very nice, a big improvement in my opinion. The only thing I don't really like is the way Audentio themes generally handle avatars with transparency as far as the background colour is concerned as it means I'll have to create a new avatar here with a white background. I might be tempted to refine the logo a little to something a bit flatter and incidentally I think the Facebook Open Graph setting was pointing to a really old logo design. I'm guessing this theme is still showing the XenForo logo. At least that's how it appears when I try and save a new bookmark on my Apple devices.
Looks good. I like how the navigation menu floats as you scroll down and "it does not stand in the way of things" I am not too much into the flat designs trend, but this one looks good, easy on the eye and it seems to load fast. The one gripe I see is the transparency of avatars. My avi is not blue on its background. I hope that can get fixed.
I'll look at the avatar css and see what I can do. Yep it was an old logo for Facebook which was still better than the default xenfor logo. I'll fix that. I plan on having a content for a new logo design. Just unsure what the prize will be yet. Look for that in the future.
Looks nice and clean like the fixed width better then the fluid one. only one point the coloring of the font is a bit light.
I wonder if I could persuade you to install this addon: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/unread-post-count.1855/ Along with the floating navbar it makes finding new content so easy and ensures you don't miss anything.
The sidebar toggle feature causes there to be a horizontal scroll bar on mobile devices. This was a problem I encountered when I was doing themes and never found a solution to.
It's not the sidebar collapse. Same thing happens on default style and when I turned it off. It's the sponsor banner. I have to make it responsive.
Scrollbar should be gone now. Let me know John. I don't see one on my iPhone since I fixed the sponsor banner.
Yep, looks better on mobile now. Only other thing I noticed here is this reported issue on quick reply and the fixed menu: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/ui-x-xenblock-paid.48893/page-3#post-710467