New or old member?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by imported_Michelle, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. imported_Michelle

    imported_Michelle Regular Member

    Hi all, we're interested to know who is new & who is from the old site.

    If you are a old member returning, have you changed your username?

    Let us know ;)
  2. imported_Ace

    imported_Ace Regular Member

    I joined about 2 or 3 days before the old site went down, and I've removed 5 characters from my name.
  3. Richie

    Richie Regular Member

    I'm completely new to this forum.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm an old newbie with a new name. Who am I?
  5. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    Retiree... :)
  6. JPA32

    JPA32 Regular Member

    New member, Ace sent the link.
  7. The Law

    The Law Regular Member

    OOOLLLLDDDIIIEEE! I was around on MGT... then Hulnu... then MSF... now new MSF. I dont remember if there was one before MGT...
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    im from the old one. i have always been and will always be krabbby.
    actually it used to be just krabbb but i added a y. theres a fun fact for you
  9. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    <- I have you all out beat ;)

    MGT the first time, MGT 2nd and maybe there was a third? then Hulnu and MSF and now this one :)
  10. The Law

    The Law Regular Member

    Yeah I couldnt remember if there were two MGTs... the second one was the one with the big blue and white heading right? Cause if it is, then I was here as long as Princezna. :)
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

  12. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    Uh. might have been... I think we had green/blue with the first one and Scott was in charge...and someone else might of been to? can't remember his name.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

  14. The Law

    The Law Regular Member

    I think so... because the one directly before hulnu had a huge header with MGT in big white letters on a blue background...

    IDK. At any rate, we've been here for a while lol. :)
  15. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    Yeah. What's your rl name? I think you were there the second time for sure but, I don't remember you from the first time. L2D was big on the first one.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    on mgt it was joe too.
  17. datrue_canadian

    datrue_canadian Regular Member

    i remember live2die. He is busy with his own forum now :)
  18. Weesaw

    Weesaw Regular Member

    It's Paul, I changed my username back to Weesaw. :)
  19. The Law

    The Law Regular Member

    I've been The Law on all of them. And if your asking what my real life name is, its Andrew. And you are Krista. We are friends on Facebook lol!!!!
  20. datrue_canadian

    datrue_canadian Regular Member

    Hi Paul...

    I mean Weesaw!

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