@Dillon Lawrence is AT's newest staff member. It is the first move to bring new staff on board. In the coming weeks I'll be adding more staff. A site this size needs active staff that can create new topics and keep topics in check.
I've seen @Dillon Lawrence on another site Seems like a knowledgeable enough guy and I like the fact that he is younger than me and seems to have a lot to contribute Congrats!
Congrats on getting a new staff member, hope he can help boost activity. Thought he might have replied to this topic, but checked his profile and seems he's not been back here since yesterday.
Just my two cents, but if the guy can't show his face here for two days after first making him a mod, let alone posting out. Then you picked a wrong man for the job. Should at least be making an effort to show up and be seen here after first getting made a mod, but he's not been here for two days since. Like I say, just my two cents... not that I care, just pointing it out.
I would have to agree with GTB I know real life takes priority but 2 mins to post or pm to say sorry but ill or very very busy will be back soon especially after being made a mod, hopefully he is just very busy and nothing more serious has happened.
Awfully sorry. Had some critical jobs and things have been chaotic indeed. Coupled with a vacation prior. Also rather than logging in I was checking Email alerts but they never came (my fault, initially adjusted preferences). Anyway, as previously stated I will be spending a lot of time here (aside from the issues). I also would like to thank you for the warm welcome and also look forward to working with AWS and others and overall making Admin Talk a site people enjoy visiting and also posting on. I hope this has not left a bad taste in anybody's mouth. I care a lot about forums and have a lot of experience which I enjoy sharing. Again thanks all