The new look is live and is now the default! It's been installed for about a week but I had some issues with the logo. You can all thank Randy A for working our logo in. You may choose the old blue style by changing the Forum Skin in your options.
Had to go back to the old one. The new one has issues with where your name is and where the number of new posts is. Too hard to read. If you were to put the font color in a more contrasting color it would help.
RandyA just a special thank you for saving and importing Kroakie our mascot we would have really missed him
here: the second line withthe new post count is low enough that the end is dropping into the white area.
Ah...I see...mine doesn't look like that in IE. Thanks for the screenshot. Dan...appears FF is aligning things to the right vs center like IE is doing. I wonder what the notification area would like look in the grey box located in the top header.
I'm seeing the same issue on FF with the notification area. When my eye is feeling better I'll dive into the code and change the font color.
Question for you Dan; the board doesn't seem to login in with cookies until I press "Todays Posts" then it comes back with me logged in and "todays posts" changes to "New Posts"
What browser you running Chip? I've haven't noticed any cookie issues then again I come in directly through search.php?do=getnew. Next time I visit I'll come through the index and see how it behaves.
Using Firefox on win XP. Even though I've selected "Remember Me" every time I come here it's asking for a login or register until I click"Today's Posts" then it straightens itself out.... No huge deal, just thought you might want to know. Did it with the default skin too.
Thanks Chip. I think that's the default behavior as vBulletin is not 'just' a forum anymore. It has CMS and Blog components available but the forum part is the core and where authentication takes place. I'll double check my cookie settings though.