New lens

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by Alyth, May 26, 2008.

  1. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    I finally got a new lens for my Nikon D80. I know, I still haven't really gone out and used the first lens other than some snap shots of family, and some odds and ends. I did take it to a park to test out. I wanted somethign with more of a zoom at least.

    Well, my Dad, the photography buff in the family told me for Christmas that I could get a lens. He gave me a limit for how much I could spend and told me to do my own research. Well that was 2 Christmases ago and I had not gotten myself anything to upgrade my new camera. Now he owed me a birthday gift. Jason reminded me that I wanted to get a lens for my camera from a long time ago. Now might be a good time to look in to getting one. So off to the camera store I went!

    I was curious about either a zoom or a very wide angle lens. The wide angle lens they had, unfortunately was too expensive, but VERY nice. So I took a look at a zoom lens.

    I chose the Nikkor Lens: AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G IF-ED. Though it was cheaper online, I got it from the store. I thought that might have been better because I could always return it in person if I needed to if something was wrong. I also was just excited about getting it. I went home and looked up the reviews on Amazon which seem to be good. My brother thought I should have just gone with the one that goes to 200mm, but I already have one that goes to 135mm and I just don't see how it would make enough of a difference. Besides, that lens is more expensive than the one I got.

    I already took a few test shots of a figure in my house (a stone German shepherd dog), and some pictures of my own dogs. I LOVE how it came out. I STILL want to learn how to manually work the camera though. Jason helped do some research on books and DVD's that might help me out. I just really want to get started on my hobby. These babies have already taken over my mind and they haven't even been born yet! At least now I'll have more of a reason to take the pictures, because I'll be going out a lot with them and I'll want a ton of memory photos as well. They don't have to be in all the shots, but it does give me more reason to take the camera with me where ever I go. Right now, I just never think about it, so the camera is often left at home and I kick myself for it every time I see something awesome.
  2. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    The 70-300 is a really nice lens for the money. It's a big step up in optical quality from the standard 70-300 ED, and having the ability to handhold at 300mm is a very nice option, although due to the narrow max aperture, you'll still need good light or a bump up in ISO. It's also a lot smaller physically than the next step up in quality, which is around the 80-200 f/2.8 ED (which is optically stellar), making it a nice lens for travel or day-trips.

    Have fun using it.
  3. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    I was impressed with how light it was for how large it was. I'm also surprised it fit in the bag along side my 18-135mm. Any larger and I'd have to get a bigger bag! It's actually a tight fit, but it's doable. I was told by the sales person that the 200mm one was better quality which is why it's so expensive compared to the one I got. But, I am very satisfied with this one so far. Not to mention, I could afford it!

    Now I just want to save up my money for a flash and a very wide angle lens for those panoramic views or at least wider than what I have alreay. I know the 18-135 has a little wide angle, but I would like to see a bit more in the picture. I'm still thinking it would be good to get a tripod, so I'm contemplating if the flash or tripod is more necessary. Most flashes may not reach the distance a zoom lens can stretch to, but at least with the Nikon flashes, they can be used off the camera and remotely, so that may help. That sort of flexibility and know how may come later though. Either way, I'll slowly get all the things I need to become a better photographer...including practice! It's taken me two years to upgrade my camera. Maybe I'll actually go a step further before another two years pass me by! *sarcasm*
  4. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Flash reach - You might be VERY surprised at how far a quality flash can reach. It's quite far. Like... far rear of a large auditorium to the stage.
    Check out Strobist ( for some really great flash info. Amazing site with a lot of educational info.

    Tripod - Be sure to read Thom Hogan's article about tripod buying. It could save you a LOT of money in the long run.
  5. Wookie

    Wookie Regular Member

    I love new cameras and accessories; makes me want to go out and take lots of pictures. :D Congrats on your new lens.

    My old camera is dying an old and painful death. It takes several reboots to focus correctly. Ended up just ordering a new one (more than 3x the current MP)

    I don't know much about cameras myself. I hope I got a good deal lol

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