:hello: I stumbled across this site while browsing vBulletin.org. I currently am the Admin / Founder of NewYorkMustangs.com and joined here hoping to learn some information to better my forum and online experience. This looks like a great site with some valuable information. Thanks for having me
Hello, welcome to the community. I'm glad you found us. We do have an abundance of information and we are anxious to do our best to help you however you need. Please enjoy your time here.
Thanks everybody. I'm @ work right now and can't get off the site! lol Thanks for the warm welcome, check out my site when you guys get a few minutes. I'm thinking I'm going to have to revamp my AdSense a bit. I average about 11,500 impressions a day but am only getting about 6-10 clicks a day. I'm thinking I need to change around the ads a bit. I only have 1 on the way top (header), and one below the last post (above quick reply). I'm thinking maybe remove the one above the Quick Reply and put it below the first post? I'm not 100% sure.
Welcome aboard :hello: I used to have a pair of Mustangs but traded them in on a Harley Edition F150.