New: Compare Hosting Plans

Discussion in 'Admin Talk News' started by Nick, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    We have just introduced a new robust hosting plan comparison tool that allows you to compare hundreds of hosting plans/companies based on a vast variety of factors.

    There are three categories through which you can browse:

    Once you choose your category, you can sort by many factors including price, host, package, OS, domains and IPs, language support, and more.

    We do have some sponsors which are more prominent than others, and we invite you to check them out. :)

    Please enjoy this tool and feel free to put forth your suggestions. Also let me know if it is of any benefit to you whatsoever. :)
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Very slick. How are you determining what company's make the list?
  3. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Great question. I cannot see URLjet or ServInt under vps.

    I'm no expert in these matters, but are these resellers only?

    edit - softlayer and ServInt are also missing under dedicated.

    I did not look for wired tree.
  4. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Interesting feature. Unfortunately it doesn't give any real information. While diskspace and bandwith are important metrics, they provide nothing really useful when looking for a new server. Almost every host over guarantees these values anyway because the amateur will look at them and the price to make a decision.

    For someone really in the market for hosting should be looking at server/client density, available RAM, CPU allotments, drive speeds and so forth.
  5. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    No. It is a widget from this website: Compare Products and Services | SquareCompare

    Those two companies either aren't listed or the listings are a paid service under the guise of a grassroots review site. Be careful of the names in green. Those are advertisers that paid for their top listing.
  6. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Gotcha. Thanks Wayne.
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Well you can sort by RAM, CPU, but not in any advanced way. On the "Filters" bar (on the left), click the arrow and choose "Advanced Filters". Play with it a bit and you will see some other things you can filter/sort by.

    No need to "be careful" of them. We actually have the possibility to earn for each click. Not sure if it'll ever amount to anything.
  8. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    I would hope that not everyone uses just one source of information to determine their solution. I think its a great feature at the site here, which helps the other thread about -- Who are you using for Hosting? -- on here.

    It's a tool, and it should be suggested that as many sources of information to be scoured, not just using this one by AA. No matter what, it's difficult to dig deep and find the info you're looking for, much less verify it. Seriously, verifying such advertisements is my biggest complaint!! lol

    Thanks for the resource!

    (so the list is comprised of company's that are a part of some other database/group?)

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