does anyone have a netbook with the Windows 7 starter OS on it? I just got an HP netbook...thing is sweet as hell..but it has windows 7 starter on it and its a horrible system...
Ours has Vista Home Premium, and it seems to run pretty well. I've never tried Windows 7 Starter, so I don't know what it's like. What's wrong with it?
I would never buy a netbook from a place like Dell or HP, order it from Newegg. And their linux netbooks have 40gb SSDs in them over the WIndows 12gb SSDs. So, I would of gone with that, sorry XD.
Is Windows 7 good for Desktops??? I'm considering upgrading my Desktop(It has Home premium Vista) to Windows 7...
I have it on a desktop here at work and it's fine if your pc runs vista premium fine, it'll run win7 fine
Did you use Vista before on that same desktop? If yes, do you prefer Windows 7? Is it faster?? At the moment my Vista is really messing up, keeps closing whenever it likes and I have to save my stuff every 5 minutes because I don't know when it will stop working all of the sudden for no reason what so ever.
I just went from XP 64 to Windows 7 Ultimate and I really like it. I had vista on my laptop, but scratched it for ubuntu. Windows 7 however, is a really good system from the few days I've had it. No problems at all, and very good speeds.
We actually had XP on it here at work, I tested out win7 on my home pc which has been running vista since I bought it.. win7 ran fine on it as well.
My desktop has Windows XP, and my new laptop has Windows 7 Home Premium, and I love it. XP is great, Windows 7 is greater -- more modern. I've never touched Vista, as from what I hear it is crap in some aspects; Windows 7 is what Vista should have been. I'd recommend upgrading from Vista to 7.
For programs that can use it, I HIGHLY recommend Win7 64-bit. With one of my 3d files, it used to take 4 hours to render. Win7 64? 20 minutes.
Yeah, I have Vista 64bit, so it would be the one I'm upgrading. I guess it will be better for me when I'm photoshopping. I've grown tired of the slowness.
1. Yes, I ran Vista Ultimate on this desktop with 1.75 Gigabytes of RAM and a single core 2.4 Ghz processor. It ran fine because it was a clean install rather than a bloated OEM install. 2. Yes. I'm running the Windows 7 RC (essentially Windows 7 Ultimate) and it runs better than Vista did. Aside from annoying RC bugs, which are more than likely fixed in the RTM. 3. Yes, it's much faster on my desktop, running the same specs. I highly recommend doing a clean install rather than an upgrade, your computer will generally perform better afterwards.
I'm a dummy at all this so I don't know how to go on about making a clean install without losing photoshop....
well..the reason i ask is I have xp on one desktop, vista on another, and 7 now on this netbook (which ALL my computers are Hp and have NEVER had one problem). The reason this version sucks is cuz its designed to run fast on a netbook, which it does...but its called the "starter" cant change your desktop picture, which is just stupid, and you cant do a couple other things. The only thing I've noticed is the desktop image thing...the rest im not even missing. The next desktop I buy will prolly be another HP, and if I buy a laptop it will def be a mac. I have offically HAD IT with tired of all their stupid little "upgrades" and this not working and that not working...and of course....the dreaded....BLLUUEEE SCREEEEENN!!!!!
A clean install is one where you have the install disk, not an upgrade disk. if you purchased photoshop, then you have the disks or key if it is electronic distribution...right? Then you'd be golden. I also recommend a clean install for this sort of thing. @ kneel -- You're on a netbook. It's geared towards being smaller, thus in order to pack a substantial punch, things need to be stripped down considerably. The biggest challenge is to have substantial computing power in a itty bitty little living space. The problem as always...heat. So, the OS has to be stripped down also, as it again, is not geared towards being a power type application tool. Some helpful links possibly to get your expectations inline w/ your piece, b/c it seems you want to overshoot the moon with it, hence the BLue Screens (if you are getting them on the netbook). Windows 7 editions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Living with the limits of Windows 7 Starter Edition | Ed Bott’s Microsoft Report | Good luck man