Need some opinion

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by mofko, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. mofko

    mofko Regular Member

    Start your own web-business
    YWB Young Entrepreneur Competition


    We come to you with a proposition for a competition we are looking to run, the entry method would be to purchase YWB hosting, (any package) from £1 per month, which comes with the industry leading site builder - Basekit which is worth £6 per month upwards. (our hosting converts to any currency).

    We want to know if you are interested or not!! Please give us your comments below.

    The reason we want you to purchase YWB hosting to enter is because we want to encourage investment into your project, whether this is your first investment online or not this is the starting point and subsequently we will help you to making further investments whether that be time/money.

    You may be able to transfer your hosting to YWBHosting please email us if you are interested in this.

    It may be possible that we are able to provide a cash prize too, and advise you as to how to effectively use that money to kick-start your project.

    We will be able to help you to build most types of web-project, to help you make moneyor to help you create a successful online community.
    No illegal/unethical/suggestive/threatening content will be tollerated. We will not help you with that. We will help you to launch legitimate businesses online.

    If you already have a project idea YWB will be able to help you with any areas that you might be lacking:

    Business partnerships
    Social Media
    List building
    Making Money
    Building Trust

    YWB Hosting is a honest web host :

    You will get 1 hour or so per week, for up to 3 months support with Stephen Ryan, in-between you will also be able to get support from the rest of the team on skype or the forum.

    Stephen Ryan was the CEO of Dotcom Internet in the mid to late 1990's and is a social entrepreneur, working with many of the UK's leading investors for over 25 years. He invented the concept of "building a website through the web browser" in the early 1990's and was the pioneer of products like Website Wizard and Netsite Wizard integrated website social plugins throughout the 1990's.

    His background includes, video games development with Codemasters, Mobile apps with Capita, membership websites with and corporate applications with IBM, BBC, Hiscox Insurance.

    Stephen has spent years researching and consulting with top Marketers and SEO expertsonline in some of the top closed SEO forums in the world. Stephen has put a lot of time into researching ways to be successful online.

    Stephen is the founder of A training company for people wanting to run a business from home, diagnosing and optimizing PC's for home and business users in the towns where they live.

    Stephen used to charge £500 per day for his time! (Average rate in London)

    You will also get free support in our forum whether you win or not.

    To see our website visit
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've moved this thread.
    The feedback section is for Admin Talk feedback.

  3. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Seems more like advertising than anything... As a consumer I must say something like this really turns me away
  4. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    That's what I thought as well because there isn't any questions in the OP's original post.
  5. mofko

    mofko Regular Member

    We want to know if you are interested or not!! Please give us your comments below.
  6. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    This shouldn't be under planning and brainstorming, this is purely a sales thread for hosting and will be moved to the marketplace where it may get more attention. ;)
  7. mofko

    mofko Regular Member

    That was not my intention, I wanted to know if people liked the idea that people can win 1 to 1 support.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    The first thing you mention in the OP is purchasing hosting..
  9. mofko

    mofko Regular Member

    Oh well I know what I mean, I did not ask you to buy it.
  10. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    ^ These are your words.

    You may have been looking for ideas, but you're also pushing your hosting pretty hard.

    You're welcome to word the thread and we can move it back.

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