Hey Alien man, you GOTTA do me a favor. Ya gotta find or make a trumpet avatar for me! It'd be highly abliged! And not some corny yellow trumpet. It's gotta be like on an angle, with notes coming out the end, no animation, nice color. NOT boring! Please man, do me ONE small favor!!!! . . ---------------------------- "Always do the opposite of what people say" -NapoliJ10 "Always respect your fellow trumpeteres...or face the consequences!" -TrumpetExtrordinaire
I'll see what I find.. I really don't do much custom designing nowadays. However, I'll try to do a good search on it... ---------------------------- "Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed "The quickest way to a woman's heart, is with a pickaxe." - Cryptkeeper
YAY! thanks a bunch! You da man! ---------------------------- "Always do the opposite of what people say" -NapoliJ10 "Always respect your fellow trumpeteres...or face the consequences!" -TrumpetExtrordinaire
Heya... I took a look around, but all I could find was a very simple looking horn... Nothing 3-d or shaded or anything... A 32*32 trumpet is a tough one. . I'll still keep checking though on the search engines... ---------------------------- "Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed "The quickest way to a woman's heart, is with a pickaxe." - Cryptkeeper
Well ALien, I'll take that one for now. After all, it IS a trumpet! ---------------------------- Ra rules! Trumpets rule! Games rule! I rule!
i found this one - not 3d, but that's real hard in 32 pixels. it is shaded, though: <IMG SRC="" border=0> ---------------------------- This message will self-destruct in 5...4...3...
I've got a few things at home I'll look through when I get a few minutes (God only knows when that could be) ---------------------------- Alien: ...I mean, your ass makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
MJ! YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pick that one...but I'll give liltaz a chance too! . thanks guys! Much abliged ---------------------------- Ra rules! Trumpets rule! Games rule! I rule!
Okay, I'll do this in 5 minutes. You know where to select it. . ---------------------------- "Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed "The quickest way to a woman's heart, is with a pickaxe." - Cryptkeeper
ugh, *cries*, it's so beautiful! ---------------------------- Ra rules! Trumpets rule! Games rule! I rule!
Can anyone have their own custom avatar? I can find my own and let you know or something.... I just gotta think of what I should get, hehe..... come on nap, some ideas here man.... ---------------------------- ******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
Jabberwock: Yes anyone. Let me know when you've got something. ---------------------------- "Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed "The quickest way to a woman's heart, is with a pickaxe." - Cryptkeeper