I've searched and couldn't find a specific font. Hopefully one of you font gurus can help I'm looking for a stumble upon font (heck it might even be a font that I have already) any links to download it would be appreciated.
Here you go FMB. StumbleUpon.com: Personalized Recommendations to Help You Discover the Best of the Web The font is joined somewhat.
AHH I read wrong the first post!!! Sorry! You're looking for the actual logo image font the S and the U?
Yeah. Sorry I wasn't more specific. I'm getting tired and my common sense thinking is being thrown out of the window.
Well, this is a list of those that look similar: Air Conditioner Font | dafont.com Sony Sketch EF Font | dafont.com Slant Font | dafont.com Dekers Font | dafont.com SKYfontThick Font | dafont.com Bitsumishi Font | dafont.com I took the one that I thought looks the closest and did a couple of changes to it and modified it, which was http://www.dafont.com/good-times.font?text=SU this was my result(Sorry for the crap quality) I will keep searching though.
Well, this is a list of those that look similar: Air Conditioner Font | dafont.com Sony Sketch EF Font | dafont.com Slant Font | dafont.com Dekers Font | dafont.com SKYfontThick Font | dafont.com Bitsumishi Font | dafont.com I took the one that I thought looks the closest and did a couple of changes to it and modified it, which was http://www.dafont.com/good-times.font?text=SU this was my result(Sorry for the crap quality) I will keep searching though.
Thanks for taking the time out fmb it's very much appreciated. In case your wondering what I need them for Boss submitted a link a week back and I checked some of the social icons they had and like a specific facebook icon in the form of a book so I decided to do my own (which does look smiliar to the ones boss linked to but i never seen any others apart from facebook) but I also plan on doing the same design for the other social sites like twitter, stumble upon linkedin, digg etc. I plan on designing them with curved edges later these are just first variants. Not my best effort but I'm sure they'll improve vastly over the coming days (I currently have some on glacial style. Anyway, thanks again FMB.
Ohhh, those look nice. I'll defo keep on looking, then. I am sure SU's font is a custom made font or edited.
Okay I'm going slightly delirious here, almost 24 hours without sleep and looks like I won't be sleeping for another 14 hours so If I happen to R.I.P I leave my site to you FMB. Anyway. I talked about the curved variants earlier which I've started designing starting with the facebook Icon. It's went through about 10 design changes but still not coming out as expected. I tried tabs, and other silly designs but this one (which I originally designed) is look better out of the rest. Should I settle for the straight icons or carry on with the curved variants in your opinion which do you think looks better. I suppose that question is to anyone that feels like responding. To me the perspective is all shoddy (whatever that means). Anyone ever see photoshop clowns when they've been sleep deprived? Anyway before I forget the icon (below in the attachment). *sighs*
*raises hand slowly* I like it. It's gives me the sense of distinguishement, b/c of the binding. Maybe make the line b/c the black and blue stand out more? Would it make sense to have the letter appear as if its on top of the cover? like bubble or bezel? Hope that made sense.
I'll give that a try with the stroke/border being a little more prominent (btw have there been any documented cases of hands ballooning to extraordinary sizes due to sleep deprivation? To give you some perspective, think giant novelty foam hands you see at baseball matches). Anyway. I'll also give the bevel thing a try though I think the whole bevel/embossed effect is over-used but I'll give it a go and see how it looks. Here's an update on some others I'm in the middle of doing. (below)
How weird you make this topic. I also wanted to make a small pack because I keep seeing the same ones on some sites and thought of a style. Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet! - StumbleUpon In case you need the name of the font for other networks. I did wonder about StumbleUpon, but I was thinking I could get away with tracing it in Illustrator and then exporting the paths to Photoshop where I could resize and move around. I guess the fonts FMB posted helps. Edit. Best bet is using the fonts FMB supplied, converting to vector, attaching them together using the +add to function and just manually manipulating individual points with the arrow keys. I would then save the path in case you need it in the future.
Christ!! I checked the facebook font and it's 70 plus dollars. No way am i purchasing those fonts if I end up release these icons for free. I already have a modified google and twitter font. the facebook font I'm using could be better but i guess I'm going to have to do some work with the pen tool later. Thanks for the link some of the fonts that are free I will definitely use. If you want the twitter font boss gives us a shout I found it on some chinese site where the author re-worked it.
There's also finding a large sample image and just tracing over using shape layers. It's what FMB recommended to me.
Thanks for the effort and time FMB I'm seriously not liking the f I'm using on the facebook icon I have applied on my site. I'll give yours a go. Edit: Excellent work FMB. I think the font looks better or to be specific the shape you created. I manipulated the points a little to give a crispier sharper look but otherwise great work FMB.