Name my site

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Chris Teriakis, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Chris Teriakis

    Chris Teriakis Regular Member

    Hello all,

    I've stucked on choosing a domain name for my new site. Actually after many years as coder this will be my first try as webmaster in an international site (10 years ago, and for some months only, I was operating a local site).

    It will be a Dating site (not Adult) targeting to European Union citizens. So far I've registered the following 3 domains but I'm not sure which one to choose. I mean which one do you think that is easier to be use by users, or which one is more SEO friendly etc. Sorry I don't know many things on how a site name values.

    My domains are:
    In addition can you help me to understand if EuroHugs points more to Adult content, or not. Back to 1998 I was using and many users where saying that points to Adult content. Any Female here to post her opinion?. I'm saying it as usally women are more sensitive on such things.

    Thank you all
    Big al likes this.
  2. Octer

    Octer Regular Member

    EuroHugs was my choice until I read of your hesitation for it, and in that context, I agree that it may be seen as a little too "aggressive". DateClub is straightforward and to the point, but best of all, easy to remember.

    If you do decide to opt for EuroHugs, you should also register EuroHug (without the s) because many people will drop the S when typing the url directly.
    Big al likes this.

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