MyDigitalpoint is here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MyDigitalpoint, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    Hallo Guys,

    Thought to stop by and say hello to all.

    I think to be a seasoned webmaster with over 10 years of experience not just administering forums, but also building websites, and learning a bit from here and there.

    I want to share some of this experience with you, but also learn from you all those little tricks and new technologies that come to us on a daily basis.

    First time my father watched me working hard on the web he asked, "are you near to get your job done?" and I answered what seems to be a real fact; one is never done with this job once that it has started.

    Hope we have a great time sharing our thoughts at Admin Talk :)
    cpvr and Brandon like this.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

  3. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Welcome to Admin Talk @MyDigitalpoint!

    Maybe you need a clearer name though. Seriously, I keep getting your name mixed up with the member here just called @digitalpoint and I wouldn't be surprised if other people did too.
    djbaxter and Fergal like this.
  4. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I think we need to change our names to add DigitialPoint.

    I can be DigitalPoint69 and you can be CMDigitalPoint.
    Brandon likes this.
  5. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    WTF I'm CMDigitalPoint!

  6. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Regular Member

    Can I be DigitalPointDigitalPoint?
  7. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

  8. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I feel like that's a bad rap name who has a bad stutter. I feel like this would be such a good April Fool's prank now that I think about it.
  9. Fergal

    Fergal Regular Member

    Welcome MyDigitalpoint, do you currently own a forum?
  10. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

  11. KW802

    KW802 Regular Member

    I claim NotDigitalPoint. :D
  12. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Yeah, there's no connection. Just a very strange coincidence.


    digitalpoints making alternate accounts!
  13. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    My new pawn star name = Big Digital Point Oh yeah!
  14. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

  15. andyred

    andyred Regular Member

    It's not your Digital Point it's My Digital Point @MyDigitalpoint
    Stop stealing DP from me! :'(

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