Alex: Come on Alex,why are you so dense? I keep pointing out over and over that anyone who is appointed as an Administrator in SMF, by DEFAULT has ALL of the permissions,there are NO levels of administrative permissions to assign.They have FULL access to the SMF ACP. myBB by contrast has the ADMINISTRATIVE PERMISSIONS tool,where the Super Administrator can assign levels of ACP access to appointed Administrators. You need to read post #8,10 From post #14,I wrote: "In SMF the Administrator has ALL the permissions by default.There is no possibility to edit them.That means anyone assigned as an Administrator,beside the owner can do the same thing as the owner except use the FTP uploads." Meanwhile by your OWN admission that SMF does not really have a Super Administrator,from post #27: and again you write at post # 33 Oops,:o I correctly stated,today: "SMF Super Administrator status is weak,while in myBB it is strong because he can control his administrators activities through the Administration permission set up.SMF has nothing because it is ALL permissions by DEFAULT." Meanwhile you write: Ok call it a lack administrative permission capabilities,which is what I have been pointing out all along. The security concern I keep pointing out is the inability to keep anyone (appointed administrator or Global Moderator with additional access),from having access to SETTINGS area of the SMF ACP while giving them access to working on themes. myBB for about the 10nth time I have explained allows for such permission discrimination. That is the security concern I have been bringing up,over and over. For ME what is important,is to keep everyone else from having access to the forums SETTINGS area in the ACP.THAT INCLUDES ALL APPOINTED Administrators and Global Moderators! That is what I keep bringing up over and over and you never seem to get it. Sigh.
Bingo! Unfortunately SMF does not make it possible for me to assign a Global Moderator to work on themes and be blocked from settings access. myBB makes that possible easily.
SMF seems to be the only one that has ZERO Administrator Permissions settings in it.The only one that has by DEFAULT settings for any Administrator in a SMF forum.That can not be changed at all. Maybe they fixed that in the 2.0 version?
Maybe some SS to help explain more of the situation. I may be reading wrong, but alex needs to take it down a notch....?
You're right. I tried to make this as simple as I can. Let's take for example, you're the root admin and you have another admin, but because of precautions, you don't want that admin to have access to the forum and post and configuration, but you still want them to be admin. In SMF you can't do this, you would have to demote them to global moderator and checkmark 'Access to the forum and database' but you don't want them to have access to the database at all! or the forums. On SMF, you can't change the admin permissions from admins individually. But on MyBB, you can, making it less likely that you will get 'backstabbed'.
So you want a closer look? Here is a link to the SMF Administration MANAGE PERMISSIONS page: HERE Go to PERMISSIONS (click on it) under heading of MEMBERS. As you will see that Administrators has by DEFAULT ALL of the administrative permissions.There is no way to modify them. Now go click on the MODIFY button for Global Moderators and see what Administrative permissions he can have,be sure to click on the blue ? for background info. All this is from a DEMO page you can use to look everywhere in SMF version 1.1.10 HERE Now you can see for yourself what in the hell I am talking about.
Ok, I have to award more points to FMB. Her method took more time. Sunsettommy, yours is quite valid as well b/c it was simple and readily available. Carry on....? :cheers:
To see better see what FullMetalBabe posted,you can go HERE to see it in full.You have to log in but that takes less than 15 seconds. Click on USER & GROUPS> Administrative Permissions> Options(for User Permissions)> edit permissions. You can do this for each section for a truly modified permission level created for each appointed administrator. This is a demo area based on myBB version 1.4.9. SMF has ZERO administrator modifications in it.It does not exist! I wonder why Alex can not see the massive difference? :uhh:
Bullshit from one end to the other! An admin is an admin. Admins always have full permissions. Always! You want to make a user admin, because you want him to do a simple task like managing smileys or something??!?!? If you need to assign admin priviledges to a superuser, you assign the superuser those admin priviledges. However he's still a superuser, no matter what VB or myBB calls them. SMF didn't choose to call them superusers, but global admins. myBB chose to call them admins. Linux calls them superusers. If SMF had the same options to assign each task to superusers like myBB does to superusers, you would still be unhappy as they are not called the same thing. Wake up!!!
Yeah, I'm shaking my head as well. Just don't keep claiming the admin options are not there. They are, no matter what you want to call them.