And the permissions...? In the MyBB ACP You have Home | Configuration | Forum & Post | Users & Groups |Templates & Style | Tools & Maintenance You have two admins, but you are the 'root' admin and you'd want to limit the other admin to have certain control over the ACP because he/she is more knowledgeable and doesn't need the other controls. So IN THE SAME GROUP, you go to "Admin Permissions" which is under 'Users & Groups' and you see all the people who have access to the ACP So instead of the other admin seeing" Home | Configuration | Forum & Post | Users & Groups |Templates & Style | Tools & Maintenance You can limit them to see: Home | Forum & Post |Templates & Style |
You can control what any other admin can see on an individual basis. Plus, you (the super admin) cannot be banned, deleted, or demoted because of a special configuration only editable via FTP.
Huh? Both myBB and SMF forum software thinks there are Administrators and Global Moderators in it,and that they have a different level of capability.
There is also a plugin, made by Zash [Release] Fake Admin CP 1.0 In which makes a login page for those nosy people and also you can easily re-name your ACP, there is a thread on MyBB that I can't seem to find with ways to make your board more secure.
Six Methods to Protect Your MyBB Forums And most of those steps work for any website, not just MyBB forums.
Without it we have no idea if there are attempts to crash the log in,but with the plug in we would know if they have the needed log ins,and take action to stop them. Good one Zash!
Are you guys talking about the differences between a super mod and an admin with limited access in the Admin CP?
Well in MyBB there's three admin tiers: Super Admin - Only 1, usually creator, has ultimate power, cannot be deleted/banned/demoted Normal Admin - Has full power in Admin CP, can do same as the Super Admin, can be deleted/banned/demoted Limited Admin - Has powers based on the settings given to him by Super/Normal Admin (On an individual basis)
Super admin and admin Admin and Global moderator What's the difference! They cover the same purposes. There's no need for super admins in SMF as you have global moderators. Seems maybe a global moderator isn't the same in the two different softwares.
Agreed. I did try to download it and discovered that it had an error in it,so I deleted it.The mod would have allowed me to do similar to what is default in myBB. I wonder if they got wise and made it part of the core in SMF 2.0?
To me, a Global Moderator is a normal moderator that can just moderate in every forum. You may infer it differently.
The permissions are different. Same purpose, different permissions. A global mod doesn't have access to the ACP until you GIVE them access, it can be limited to a certain user who is a global mod and you only want him/her to access ONE section of the ACP.
Ahh, but that's not what the author asks about. He asks for a way to limit what one admin can do. For that you use a global moderator in SMF.
Then why did they make a super admin mod in SMF? Zach pointed out the differences very clearly,and I can see it since I have SMF and have been in the myBB demo several times looking over the admin control panel. Administrators always have a higher level of control over the forum since they could ban any of the Global Moderators,but the Global Moderators can NOT ban any of the administrators.
As for moderators, SMF comes with 3 basic levels: Moderators: These have basic permissions to the board you assign them to. So you actually don't (can't) edit options for them. When creating a board, you basically just assign one or more regular members to be moderators. Global Moderators: This group has access to the admin panel with some basic previledges like moderating users etc. You can then edit/add a lot of options that the Global Moderators can be allowed to handle. If you want several Global moderator groups, you just creates them and give them different permissions. You can create other Global moderator groups based on a copy or with inherited permissions, like with any other group in SMF. Very powerfull indeed! Admins: Has all permissions and can do anything. I don't say it's a bad idea with a super admin, I just don't see much of the point. I once had a Global moderator going nuts on me. Within 2 hours, he turned against me, made a lot of lies etc. At first point I made him a regular user, in the end I banned him from my forum. I have to admit I didn't see it comming. But I was never in doubt that I didn't want to make him an admin. Btw, the guy did the same in 2 other forums afterwards.