u_u I don't even know if this is the right section to post this, but I am trying to convert my MyBB board to vB and I am so damned freaking lost, I don't even know where to start. I have some questions: 1)I keep my current board online? I would probably just change directories if I do have to keep it online, so I could install the vB in the right directory first. 2)How do I work this impex thing? Is like looking at a bunch of russian letters, I don't understand it like if I have to already install a vB or I have to wait. 3)I was never good importing databases, then again, I am a complete newb at this, how can I do it with impex?
1. Upload and install vBulletin. - I suggest uploading vBulletin into a new directory like forums2. Then install vBulletin. After that, upload the impex files. You only need to upload the MyBB folder, and not all the systems. 2. Backup your current MyBB database. 3. Edit the impex config file, to enter the details of your MyBB database, and your vBulletin Database. - MyBB database will be refered to as the source. vBulletin will be your destination. 4. Run the impex script. Check to see everything has went well. If it all looks good, delete everything and do it over. I normally do it 2 times to test and make sure everything imported well. Next, you can make vBulletin live, delete your current forums (or rename the folder, recommended for now). And rename the vBulletin folder, to your old forums folder name. Once you're done with impex be sure to remove it from the server. If you need more help, let me know. I'll even do it for you, it's really only a 5-10 minute process once you know whats going on.
here you go if you have anymore questions Introduction to the ImpEx core System (at least the documents are still there with all this vb 4.0 madness!)
The documents are explained in a more roundabout way, if she does it how Dave laid it out, she should have no problems.
Another question [sorry for all of them] is there a way I can move a group of users to another usergroup??
If you want them to go to "Registered Users" (vbulletin default usergroup) simply delete the old user group. If you don't want to delete the entire user group read on. If you want to move them to another usergroup (besides registered users). You'll have to use the promotion manager for the easiest and fastest way. For promotion strategy, use Days registered and set it to 0 or 1.
Already changed, btw, the transfer went okay, thanks to the information given. I am transferring my anime site.
OneUpDave was the one who made the transfer, actually. ^^;; I was too lost to even operate and I was locked out of the server. We are fixing everything technical so the users could come back flawlessly, which has seemed to work.
Congratulations, FMB. I know all of this hoopla has everyone in a tig, but I think you will really grow to love vB (and all the money you'll be able to make with new skins and graphics for it!). Just don't get TOO comfortable with the way template conditionals work right now as they'll be changing if you upgrade to vB4 (And I assume you will at some point).
We already love it. We have almost everything done. We'll try not to get too used to the template conditionals, but same as this version, we'll be playing with it before we try to release anything. Not Setsou.....yet! We are planning though. Why would you think that?