I installed it to look at just before going Gold. Not trying to be bias towards phpBB 3.1 because I'm using that now, as I've used MyBB for years in past before it also, I'll always use what I think is best free option on offer. But wasn't impressed by MyBB 1.8, no revamp of Portal page done, new theme isn't a responsive one. And overall looking at it in general compared to when using it before, didn't see that much difference to shout about and why they've managed to fly through Beta's to Gold release so fast? To me it looked more or less same as 1.6 with a new theme. Didn't spot much in terms of new features, nor changes made doing things different. Not like I've seen in phpBB 3.1 from 3.0. Just not enough new changes I thought, it needs a far bigger major overall. I fear MyBB 1.8 is going to get left behind by phpBB 3.1, things have shifted away from MyBB in favour of phpBB because they left it too long before doing out - while phpBB have made far bigger major changes to 3.1.
Ah finally it has been released and i haven't updated mine yet. As few plugins seems to have problem with the version
I like the new version, but I tend to look what it has instead of what it doesn't have. And this version means I'll be down to one plugin. And the theme is easier for me to get into shape without modifying templates.