My Promotional Zone

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Allan, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    My Promotional Zone

    We are a brand new forum, website and blog advertising forum.
    You can earn forum Cash by posting that enables you to purchase
    Banners Ads and Text Ads and much much more.
    Join a place where you can get more members for your sites and make
    friends all in the same time.
    Kaiser likes this.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Its a very nice forum, and has potential. Dont let it go down the drain like what most promotion forums do. Loving your theme :)
    bwendo likes this.
  3. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Nice forum mate :)
  4. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Thanks Kaiser and no worries i won't let that happen.That opition isn't even a thought in my head at all.
    I do think abotu ways to bring more members and better ways for those members to get members.

    Mr.Joker thank you very much
    Kaiser likes this.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Well I know you can do it!:)
  6. bwendo

    bwendo Regular Member

    Good Luck Allan, I hope it comes through, can you pm the advertising rates, it wasn't so clear on your site?
  7. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    so sorry it wasn't so clear.I'll look into that.
  8. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Happy to report that we have 57 members and over 1200 posts in just over 2 weeks open.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Congrats! its growing fast allan :)
  10. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Thank you Sir
  11. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Today we are at 2100 posts by 69 members.
    We converted to phpbb and the new theme(reworked lol) should be up tomorrow :D
    Kaiser likes this.
  12. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Great! Cant wait to see it :)
  13. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    It will look alot like the smf forum ;)
  14. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    wow another person jumping off the SMF bandwagon, good luck with your forum on phpBB3 :)
    Kaiser likes this.
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Who wouldn't SMF needs to straighten up. phpBB over SMF anyday :thumbsup:
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  16. Savvy

    Savvy Regular Member

    It's a good forum, Allan. I joined the other day but haven't participated much. I'll pop in more often.
  17. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Ashley I was always an smf fan but somethings are just a pain on there if no mods get updated.
    Flux thank you glad you like it, means alot to us.
    We did add a new reworked theme last night.It will take you back to the old smf forum ;)
  18. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I LOVE what you did to the absolution theme, great job!
  19. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Thanks was trying to best to have it look like the smf forum.I loved that theme on there.
  20. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    looks even better!

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