My pleasure

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes its my pleasure to have become part of your warm, friendly community here. Nice to have a place to hide when the feds are chasing you...:watchingt

    Anyway, im mobo (Charlie), been working in/around computers for a few years now. Have my own private shop that keeps my from being too idle as well as a wife and four daughters.

    Glad to be part of the community and hope to confer with you all soon..

    God Bless...and where is the fresh coffee ?
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :17:, mobo, we hide the coffee..admins find it in the admin room, moderators have their own room. The guys have a room, and I even have a security room running around here to hide in. :oops:

    But you will find that most of them are hiding in the arcade! I seem to have created a monster there.

    I know you have a very little one cause she isn't all that old but tell us a bit more about your four girls. I know this crowd will want to know (we have a NOSY bunch, me included) LOL. Liz
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Mobo. How do you survive with 4 girls? My dh is wondering at his sanity just from dealing with me through my first pregnancy and we're having a girl!!! A little less than a month to go before she should be here, and dh is hanging around this forum too. Not much to say about me, I'm a housewife and expectant mommy so my life is relatively uneventful right now. Trying to make some changes to that in the next year or so though!!! Hope to see ya around, and Liz is right about the arcade creating monsters!!!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome, Charlie!!

    Four Daughters??? Whoo hoo hoo, I grew up with 4 sisters and we were stairsteps, meaning not only "5 under 5", but FIVE GIRLS between the ages of 13 and 18. Interesting times.....(oh, my poor Dad!)
    Hmph, I've never dabbled in the arcades, I'm lousy at games. I did manage to find the coffee pot in the Parlor, though (was I supposed to find that??? If not, oops!!)
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Charlie. We promise to try and not scare you off. Have fun and happy posting.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My Girls are 7, 6. 3 and 10 months..Are my hands full ? Well yes but the more your hands are full, the more your heart is full.

    Rebecca, rachael, Mary Ann, Emma grace
  7. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    And boy are YOUR hands full! LOL Liz
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wouldnt want it any other way.
  9. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    Welcome aboard mobo. Be sure to put some pics up in the gallery. You know we all want to see your little gals. Where do you live? Your profile is rather empty and I figure you're not really 83 y/o. (we told you we were nosey)
  10. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome, Mobo! I'm glad you'll take some time off and sit and chat here for awhile. Wow, 4 little munchkins running your tailfeathers off....I don't envy you that, although they do provide entertainment, I'll bet!


  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ill get a few pics up maybe this evening. Im from above the border, but please dont hold thast against me. It wasn't my fault where my parents lived...He HE.

    Thirty seven years old, trying to rehabilitate from a near fatal accident that fractured my scull and left me with some trials for my remaining years it seems. I try not to dwell on the negative side of my illness but rather think of it as time spent watching my kids grow and toying around with computers.

    Love hockey, American Football and walks in the forrest...

    Hey this knida sounds like an add in the personals section...:hide:

    I enjoy technology and aspire someday to doing something with technology to make a difference in quality of life for less fortunate..
  12. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Thank you for sharing your life story with us, Mobo. I'm so glad you survived and can still work with computers!

  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome to the forum Mobo :) Sorry to hear about the accident. Another good thing...if not for the accident you may not have found us ;)
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I would not have had the oppotuninty to do many things so I guess I was where I was supposed to be...
  15. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Mobo, if you would like to put your site listing or banner, go ahead. I do not mind. Or an ASAP banner, whichever you prefer. Liz
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks Liz.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!!!!!

    great to see you here.

    see you around.
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sorry I am a bit late. Things are quite hectic in my life right now, but I'm trying to keep up. Welcome! It's good to see some new faces around, and I hope you'll stay a while.

    Liz - I see how it is....give the admins, mods and men coffee, but none of us regular members get anything....I feel the love :p
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