I like your grunge effect, but overall it's a little too dark for my tastes and doesn't seem to have enough contrast. That said, I do need to calibrate my monitor again. :/
I think the thing that I actually don't like about it is the lack of depth. Like I said, I like your grunge, but I don't see any dimension in your image. I had a quick go at this to show you as an example, but I won't post it unless you give me your permission.
That may be, but I'd prefer that Chris lets me know what he'd like me to do as he might consider it an insult if I just post it.
lol! Is that still a common expression? I used to use it in 1990. :p Trust me...it's usually considered an insult for someone else to come along after someone shows their artwork and post an "improvement" of their original. That's why I'd like to get his permission.
Haha, well i was looking forward to it :frown: it wouldnt be an insult i know it. I know him, he wouldn't mind i promise you!
Thanks! You were right. :p I still feel better about having waited, tho. It's there for the taking now, so if you decide you like it, you're more than welcome to use it. If there are any tweeks that you'd like to see just let me know.
I really wasn't trying to show Chris up...I just started to doodle and that's what I came up with. :o But thanks! Looks great on your site, guys! Would you like me to lighten it just slightly? Or is it just my monitor again? :doh:
A pretty neat idea would be for Chani to change the background colour from the red to ice blues and greens allowing AK Worm to used a random script so it changes upon refresh
Kinda like these? View attachment 582 View attachment 583 View attachment 584 Or even like this: View attachment 585
Lol exactly how I was thinking! Now we just need to give him some php or JS to randomise it Im thinking JS here :p