My new forum

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Yush Bhardwaj, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Yush Bhardwaj

    Yush Bhardwaj Regular Member

    Hey guys.
    I was bit confuse that my forum should be related to hacking, warez or what and Finally I decided to choose security and entertainment forum guys..
    I hope you guys like my forum
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Why did you start off with so many empty forums? You should usually start off with 2 to 5, and then when the community spreads among more content, you open up more forums for them to use. Right now, it looks like a plain forum with a lot of empty forums - which is, not good for guests and upcoming forums. They'd rather see a few forums than a bunch of empty forums, catch my drift?
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    If your forum is about warez then your listing here will be deleted. ;)
  4. Yush Bhardwaj

    Yush Bhardwaj Regular Member

    I know already this but I'v 5 people more who are handling my forum but rite now bcz of exm dey r offline.
    All forums will be filled soon.

    No my forum is for security & entertainment .
  5. Texanmike

    Texanmike Regular Member

    Honestly It just looks bare. Maybe you're trying to do too much at first? The font on the category (or parent forums or whatever they call them in mybb) is a little difficult to read with grey on black. I would go in and either make some posts up in the empty forum or delete them until you need them. I'm new at this admin thing though so I might be worrying about nothing.

    Brandon likes this.

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