Site Name:My MPZ Site URL: Description:MPZ is reopening after a couple month break.We are excited to get back into being the great community that we were.Some things have changed though.We are now on PHPBB and have acquired staff top notch staff to assist you.So if your looking for a place to promote your forum or website and also meet great people then stop in and check us out. Your Name on the Board:Allan
Welcome to the site, what is MPZ exactly? Might add some info on the site in a welcome notice or something that tells the guest what the site is about. good luck!
Could you tell us more what your site is about? Its great to let us know because you never know, you might get a member or two from this place.
MPZ stands for My Promotional Zone.It's a promotional forum but we have added alot of extra topics and boards for members to feel more at home then just the standard couple of boards most promo forums have.
we are now over 2600 posts and counting. We have added a new graphic request service for those members in need of logos and mini-banners.
Not sure what to do today sine it's the weekend and not much going on. Stop over to and advertise your site a little.Sometimes a little goes a long way.
We were down for a couple of days so we could make the move to Xenforo.We are back and running again so stop in and say hello.
If your looking for a place to advertise your site and feel like you just walked in the door at home then stop over to My Promotional zone.
Are you still looking for more advertisement? Then we will be a perfect fit since we are looking to add you to our members.See this is a win win situation for both.So come on over to MPZ and lets get this started.
We would like to welcome our newest member "Dev". We are now at 625 topics, 4,406 posts 63 members and gaining everyday. Our Latest topic is Sex Topics on Forums. There isn't a lot of time left to enter your site into the SOTM 3 contest.Only have to be a member to to enter. Hoping to see you here.
Hello All, It's me again We made a couple of changes at My Promotional Zone. Nothing to over the top. Just added some forums to the Management Zone.Basically made it more specific and not so generalized. Added Trader Point where members can trade anything with any member. As well as some more board in the Entertainment area. we have reached 5000 posts and moving toward our next goal. Hope to see you here and help make us great.
Woohoo another Friday, Thank god the weekend is here. On to business, well not really. Just wanted to post a little update for My Promotional Zone. I first want to thank all the members for helping to make this a great community.Without you I would be lost. We are at 5,441 posts by 85 members and growing daily. If you haven't had a chance to stop in please do you are missing out on something great. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you have a great weekend. Allan
Hello everyone hope you are getting ready for another great weekend. I know I am Just wanted to do a little update for My Promotional Zone We are closing in on 6,000 posts fast, we are 5,627 made by 89 members. There are also some good conversations going on as well. So if you get the extra to stop and look around we would love to have ya. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great weekend. Allan