Hello all! my name is Luis Im from Mexico and I've been foruming since 2000. Right now i want to start strong since my last attemps I was lacking time and motivation. Now I have my forum on sharing hosting and I want it to be profitable. Im using Invision Power Board and I use their blog, store, download modules. My idea to reach my goals are: Offer a special membership for users that wants to learn how to use wordpress, an exlcusive forum for customers where they can share ideas and toughs from their experiences and also i will share with them video plugins reviews and how to use them. More PM storage. Another membership for users that wants to sell their ebooks and their music in exchange I will charge a little comission for each sale made. probably I will make a consulting membership for those interested in organic agriculure certification steps and advice. My forum right now is very new and of course in spanish. I hope you guys can give me some advice, tips, hints to accomplish what I sated above. I like these forums I've been brwosing and i found very interesting posts I apologize for my written english skills, it will be nice if i made some mistake to become aware of that so I can polish it. Thank you Sincerly Luis
Welcome to the community, @LuisFX What part of Mexico are you from? Is there a lot of problems there? What's your forum's link and what is its stats?
Welcome to the community, @LuisFX What part of Mexico are you from? Is there a lot of problems there? What's your forum's link and what is its stats?
Hey all thank you! My forum it is very new so still making some changes Im from Sinaloa and yes there's problems i've never been in the middle of one but yes awful! Thank you all
No, just general forum at the moment, im trying to find a right niche for that if i dont find it i will leave it like that i guess.
Ah, okay, thanks for the translation - unfortunately my Spanish is non-existant (with the exception of ordering a beer) so I was just going on the domain name coffespeak.com.
It's ok, main domain is my blog, im trying better to merge my blog and forum onto one, I might get a new domain for my forum and use the blog module, btw im using IPB as my forum. Xenforo looks awesome! never seeing in action before