my introduction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Ian, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Ian

    Ian Regular Member

    Hi everybody i was sent here by another new member to your forums named scatophobe, and from reading is intro i guess james is here too. Hey james, good guy that james is. Well i recently departed from another forum and i was looking for a new place to post. and here i found these wonderful looking forums. be warned people i speak my mind ;).
  2. Scatophobe

    Scatophobe Regular Member

    Hey Ian, did you put me in your referall link thing? Whatever, it's not like I'd get points for it :p

    Anyway, welcome to the forums. I think we can boost activity here. It will be like a project. Only I hate projects. This will be fun.
  3. Typheus

    Typheus Regular Member

    Welcome, I think...
  4. Ian

    Ian Regular Member

    u think? okay im hurt....:( nevermind that thank you all :)
  5. Scatophobe

    Scatophobe Regular Member

    Don't worry Ian he said the exact thing to me:
    That jerk.. :p
  6. Buster

    Buster Regular Member


    What are you trying to tell us..... that YOU SPEAK.... your mind.

    Well yea whatever, anyway my name is Buster, the man with a plan. Welcome to the wonderful forums of THE WIRED. Hope you have a lot of fun here.

    Oh by the way have any problems with anybody here, say somebody tries to bully you around, just call good old Bust, and l'll take care of it for you.
    *evil laugh* hehehehaaaheeeehehehe.

  7. Ian

    Ian Regular Member

    lol i sure feel secure now :p

    some call it being a jackarse or a cynic, i call it speaking my mind ;)

    thanks for the welcome :)
  8. Buster

    Buster Regular Member

    Well yea, I get it around here to just try to be a little soft about it or senestive when your in a heated thread, like ohhhhh lets say the HOMO thread.

  9. GINA

    GINA Regular Member

    *kicks buster in the head* what happens if the bully protector gets beaten up?
  10. Buster

    Buster Regular Member

    Well than his haunting ghost kills.........EVERYTHING!!!

    Except the new members.:delight:
  11. OutlawShadow

    OutlawShadow Regular Member

    Welcome Ian. Hope you like the forums.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ian, look both ways before you post!

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