Multiple Administrators

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Nick, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    Yes, but it's even easier to change FTP passwords and server ban with root. :)

    Fortunately for me, my admins know nothing of PHP, much less where to find the Unalterable Admins config.
  2. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    We have three. The buck stops with me and I can override the other two if need be, but have never needed to.

    We are a perfect mix of passion, tact, maturity, tech knowledge. Maturity is not my area. :p

    However, if I did not have these TWO specific people, I am not sure I would have more admins.
  3. crash1987

    crash1987 Regular Member

    On my sites usually I'm the only admin. However if I become too busy with life outside of the online world I'd promote my senior moderator to the "Assistant Administrator" role. One my site an Assistant Administrator change manage things such as user accounts and takes on some day to day tasks while I'm away. They can't edit user groups or any board settings, also they don't have FTP or cPanel access at all.
  4. kaambiz

    kaambiz Novice

    Guess I'm the lucky one here then .. In our biggest board we are 4 ( yes, you read correctly, 4 :p ) now, all with same privileges. used to be 6 though :D two of them stepped down because of personal matters in their life.
    Why it didn't make any issues at all? that's simple; we all were ( and fortunately still are) friends (close ones) before starting the forum.
    Right now I do the most technical things, scripts server management etc. and others handle members.

    btw, I have a very bad experience in the same forum. years a go because we all were busy with our college and our new company we decided to promote one of members as Super Moderator. She was an active part of community. so after a while early in the morning ( 5 or 6!) a friend of mine called and informed me she suddenly deleted about 60000 posts ( almost half of posts .) also somehow could gain access to FTP an wiped out all back up files. why? I still have no idea. it took three weeks to find a legit back up and cover parts of the damage.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  5. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    that happened to me once, its annoying when that happened, we lost about 5000 posts and half of the members.

    at least you had a backup available-ours didnt

    its hard having someone you trusted destroy something that you have worked so hard on, and in my case it was someone who used to be my best friend, and just wanted to promote her own forum cause she was sick of having to listen to other admins opinions, which she banned me from about 3 times.
  6. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    I have one other. Though I'd never trust more than that.

    I never had one before this one (Dave on here) and he's proven to be just as good as me that was more experienced than him before he started. Brilliant guy and he's the first Admin I have barr me on all my forums now. It's nice to know there's somebody there if you can't get online yourself, or go on holiday or whatever.
  7. EdgeOfVanity

    EdgeOfVanity Addict

    Just me at the moment. I was thinking about promoting my global moderator, but I just don't think that he contributes enough :o I know that sounds mean, and bitchy, but lemme explain; he's having some problems at the moment, namely with his internet being a bitch :( But maybe I will, maybe I won't. Meh.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth, and all that
  8. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    The only reason I've ever lost anything on my board was because of me being an idiot. :idiot:
  9. Grizzly

    Grizzly Regular Member

    I've only ever had one other admin on two of the sites out of all the ones I've started. I gave one extremely limited Admin CP options in MyBB (I really like how they have it set up) because he helped me get about 500 members in less than 2 weeks of us launching. He put a lot of work into it and I hadn't even offered him Mod. He just did it because he liked my plan I had for the forum and really liked the topic. He is still a member of ever community I ever make and usually contributes regularly, although I won't be making him staff on AF since he doesn't run a site of his own. however, I have another guy that I usually make a mod (and I did on AF). He generally follows my ideas as well and is someone I usually ask for ideas from all the time. He's actually helping me iron out the final details on a site I plan on releasing and helping me come up with ideas for another forum I plan on making (just don't know the topic yet lol).

    I would never give another admin cPanel/FTP access though. I generally create a second Admin group for when I want to make a second admin. If something happens to me my dad and my wife have all my passwords and usernames. They can at least get in. They also know who to promote to admin until they can sell the site (as they have absolutely no interest in running forums lol)

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