Hi, The last week has been chaos at my online community the administrator left to start his new site; he had owned this site but sold out two years ago. He stayed on as a paid employee. Most of the moderators and members left to join him. I am neither a leader nor a follower I tend to cut against the grain. This time I am totally lost!
Hi Mucho! Welcome to the soup. Hope you enjoy your time, here. Weeeee! I was the first to welcome you!
Hey Mucho! Welcome to our soup! I hope you enjoy it here. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us! :yay:
Welcome to the soup. Don't hesitate to pester Lysi if you need anything or even if you're just bored. --|BRiT|
welcome! stick around, this place will grow on you... trust me, i've seen it happen many times if you have any questions, ask any mods ("overlords"), and now we have 3 supermods and a few admins you can pester too
yeah.. just make sure you pester the Supermods before you come after the rest of us.. anyways.. <aol voice> Welcome </voice>
Welcome to our insanity!! Haha.. YESSSSSSSSSS!! I was the first to say it this time!! But I did mean that welcome Mucho.
Welcome to our insanity. I hope you enjoy your stay here. And yesindeed . . . watch your back . . . no one, I mean NO ONE uses my line :evil: :lol: But seriously welcome to the soup Mucho. If you need anything be sure to ask.
Hello there! Welcome to our site. I hope in time you'll feel at home here as you did at previous websites.. Maybe even more so! I will look forward to reading your posts on the board... Let us know if you anything, and I'll consider it personally. -Jason