Ms Charlie's Intro

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Liz made me type Howdy to Ya'll from cold wet British Columbia Canada. Just found this amazing Gazebo site and may never leave. I'm a smit bit partial to Gazebos. Now it's about your feerless leader....Southernlady.....I have never met a nicer, funnier, smarter person on the internet in quite some time. What an education she has given me the last few days. I'm sure soon enough she will spill all the beans on what she got herself into this time...tee hee.

    Hugs from CANADA
    Ms Charlie:Neeeedsleeep: :clapping:
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :welcometotheforum: Ms. Charlie, glad to have you join us here. Liz

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome to the gang, MsCharlie!

    I'm Liz, too. "Retired" from retail, married to a third shift Hubby, two kids, Kate 24 and Aron 22 who are attending College and living on their own for the first time. And Sandydog

    Now, come run amuck with us! This place will warm you right up!

    (Liz, what did you do this time? :D)

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Now you just hold your britches....I have without a doubt the cutest dang puppy dogs on the face of the earth. Liz will even attest to that but you will have to pull it out of her....tee hee.
    Thank you for the fine welcome, and the same to you from CANADA.
    Ms Charlie
  5. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome Ms. Charlie! Nice to have a newcomer to this place. Tell us a bit about yourself, what you do all day long, your likes, dislikes, etc., etc. Where did you meet Liz? She's the best friend a person can have!

    I'm Carol from New Jersey, right across the Hudson River from New York City. My husband and I have been married for 19 years and have one daughter Laura, 19 years old, who is halfway through her 2nd year of college. I have a stepson Michael, 33, and a stepdaughter Allison, 30. We also have a dog, Maxwell, who is part yellow lab and part something else, not sure what! lol He's 10 now.

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My right thigh just gained 20 pounds just from the view of that AMAZING Chocolate cake....yum yum...and thank you for the welcome.
  7. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    To get to know us better, stop in the Daily Thread and read about our daily humdrum least some of us have humdrum lives and others are hectic all the time! lol

    Sorry about the extra pounds...This post-holiday time is tough for pics so I opted for food! At least here it's totally dietetic! :Coopwink:

  8. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    Ms. Charlie,

    Welcome to the board.... Liz is pretty terrific... known that for sometime now.

    As others have said, tell us a little about yourself...

    Me I'm supposed to be retired... but lately thats not working out the way I planned.... doing some temp work for a friend..

    We live in Tennesse, have two kids, 13 and 17, one husband,3 dogs, 3 cats.... and new house.... all very time consuming.

  9. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Hi Ms Charlie, welcome to the Gazebo. Pull up a chair, maybe sit in the swing, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and spill your guts! Glad to have you!

    We're having some unseasonably warm weather here in Almost Heaven, but we ususally don't have that harsh of winters where I'm at 'cause the mountains just seem to protect us.

    See ya' around the forum.

    Dave :surprise0785:
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good morning Dave...yes the weather here is not good. Just got our power back on at 7 am and it went out at 6 PM yesterday grrrrrr. Thank you for the nice welcome. So still thawing out as we FROZE all that time with no heat and snow coming down during the wind storm.
    Boy am I FUN this fine morning lol lol.
    :rip_1: Time to get out a shovel and jump in lol

    Ms Charlie
    B.C. Canada
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good morning all. It's 3:27 AM here. Liz so sorry I missed you yesterday. We got another storm from hell. This time the whole City lost power. Trees down all over the place. This is as bad as the stroms I went through in Texas. This was storm # 14 and I have just about had it grrrrr.
    No power, means no heat, means not cooking, means canned beans lol. We even drove out to find a resturant as we were starving and NO one had power.
    This has been a very bad two months. More to come apparently.

    HUGS to all....still here...I think !

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