What is the most common age of forum-goers? Are they mostly kids or what? Obviously it depends on the niche and forum subject, but is there an age group that naturally seeks discussion communities for their own personal enjoyment?
I'd say anyone between the ages of 13 and 16 are the most common individuals who participate on discussion forums - for some reason, they tend to attract the younger crowd. This varies, of course, depending on the niche of a community... but generally, this is what I've noticed over the years.
On my forum it is 30-50, best I can tell. I think a bell curve might show a few more in their 20's than 50+. I have very few under 20. It is not really for children, it's stated that all members are expected to behavior with maturity and poise. However our very few real behavior problems are definitely well over 20. I think there could be a bit of an unmet demand for the over-30 and even over-50 group. But they very much prefer avoiding younger people - the need is for forums for curmudgeons.
Average age of the typical forum user across the internet is a good question. I would say that there is no average age for people seeking information and places to discuss things, except the very young or old may not be doing that. That is my niche. A few are 80+, average age is 45, 1% under 25.
;D Yes, I agree! Though these users I am talking about are immature ALL the time. I am not mature, but I know when to be mature.
It really depends on the niche. Gun Forums are probably 18-35yrs while car forums are probably 15-30yrs. Then your political forums could be 18-60yrs.
I think it really depends on what type of forum it is. My MMA forum ranges from 17-25 for the most part with a few members older then that and the oldest being like 36. It all depends on what niche your forum is. Overall I'd say the average forum user is between 15-22.
It is 100% dependent on the niche. There's no doubt in my mind that you'll have a 40-50 average on a certain niche with a 15-25 average on a forum of the same size with a different niche.