I've kept the same routine since I was in college. Up at 4AM, take a brisk walk for an hour, take a shower, catch up on current events and then go to breakfast. The rest of the day I make up as I go along. Mornings are always the same.
I wake up and check my forum and see if anyone has posted. And then I have breakfast and wing it from there. Greg
I'm a chronic insomniac but my body clock dictates that I get up at the same time everyday even if I've only slept for an hour or two. My morning routine generally revolves around feeling desperately ill for the first hour after which I'm good go... breakfast, 4 km jog/gym, shower, work.
Wake up 6am shower work for 10 hours, drive home, forum check, server checks, play some games sleep daily routine.
Sleep until the last possbible moment and then go to work after a quick shower. Military lifestyle hit me like a rock. Even after nearly 4 years...I still can't get used to it. I'm just not a morning person :-/
Every time I wake up in the morning, I eat a big bowl of Cheerios, take a shower and then shave, and then get into my vehicle and do what I need to do for the rest of the day.
As of this week...I intend to get up a hour and a half early and start doing morning PT. We shall see if it works out.
I wake up and hop out of bed, drag myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my vitamins. Then I'll hop in the shower and slowly wake up. Takes me about 30 minutes to an hour to be fully alert.
I get up at 6 watch and read news, wash make something to eat for later at 7:30 i get a ride to work.
For the last week or so, I haven't been eating cereal for breakfast like I normally do. I'll have to get back on track.
Depends if I'm working or not. If so, up, shower grab some toast and coffee and get in the car. If not, sleep till about 9 then make a pot of coffee instead of instant, check the various forums I'm part of and watch some TV. I much prefer non-working days
I wake up, go straight into the bathroom to use the toilet. I then brush my teeth, have a wash then I get dressed. After that, I just normally turn my computer on or something and do whatever throughout the day.
I wake up at around 4AM, quick shower (10 mins), breakfest (another 10 mins), have a little 'fight' with my old car (will soon end - Ive placed an order for new one 2 weeks ago) - 10 mins, and in half an hour Im on my way to work which takes up to 30 mins (depending on traffic, which is quitre heavy usually, as Ive to take motorway (A1) which is part of E75 from Greece all the way up to Scandinavia (Finland I think).
There's nothing worse than having to get up early when you feel too lazy and tired and would rather sleep in. I think everyone can relate to what I'm talking about.
Getting used to getting up at the same time everyday, even during days where you don't need to get up early, can be helpful. Setting your alarm for the same time everyday can be a good idea.