Moderator Contact Info

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Peacelily, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    Do you, when you have staff, require any other contact info from them than their email address?
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    I dont personally. To be honest I think it is better in some ways to keep all discussion between yourselves on your forum. If I was to sit on Skype or MSN speaking to them each day we would never use our staff room. The email address is the only required contact information.
  3. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    I like to know how to contact them on the interwebs... like MSN, email etc. I don't go around asking for there postcode and everything D:
  4. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    all of us are pretty close (like we've been around each other for a while) and we all have an alternate email addy, and phone numbers for emergancys.
  5. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    While I don't require them to provide me with any sort of contact information, it would be ideal if they did so (and they usually do). If anything, the least I ask for is an e-mail address.
  6. Dave

    Dave Regular Member

    Not normally a requirement from me either..
  7. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    Not a requirement, the most i would expect would be a email address, but im very close to my staff so i have email, msn, postal addresses and phone numbers too.

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