its coming time that my main guy needs modcp do you guys have urs set up? Who gets access to it? I'd really appreciate any feedback u can give!! :spin:
I have different permissions for different moderators. Most my mods can ban and unban and moderate every forum. etc. No one can physically delete anything.
in my forums, every moderator has access to the modcp. i cant think of any reason why i should not grant every mod this right? if you dont trust them, then they shouldn't be moderators and besides, you can log every action from mod cp.
All my mods are super mods and have access to the modcp. They also all have access to the admin cp and I give them whatever admin access they need/would like there also. This really depends on what you expect them to do and how much you trust them. I trust all my mods and haven't been proven wrong in giving them that trust. of right now (knocks on wood) we really dont have any bad members or no one really needs banning powers. However, I do want my supermod to have a few more powers than the rest.
I find the mod cp is redundant and not really necessary for the day to day actions of a moderator in today's vBulletin. It really should just be deleted to the package and direct your users to the Admin CP. With their basic moderator permissions, they will get access to only what they have access to in the Mod CP anyway. Then if you need to elevate someone to administrate users or styles, than it would be easier for them to adapt instead of using two locations.
i agree..i never really understood why there was two cp's... But my thing is this...and i want you guys to be totally honest .. If i dont have any trouble makers (yet), no spammers, (yet), and I do all the back end stuff...would you let your mods go into the modcp?
I let everyone in with limited access to the admin panel and check the logs frequently to make sure there's nothing dodgey going on. We make sure that all staff are trustworthy before we promote them therefore there is nothing to worry about.
All mods have the ability to delete in their respective section and they can all ban but only supermods can permanently delete, spam decimate, and have access to the modcp. Only admins have access to any admin powers.
This is how it's setup on my forum, and every Super Mod has access to the MOD CP, but nobody ever uses it. I put a Mod CP in the navbar so anything you would need that can only be done through the MOD CP can be done from the navbar instead.