missing admin

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by BananaQueen, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    well........i am in a situation on a forum where the admin who created the forum has gone missing. he decided to leave and give the forum to someone else, who also left, gave the forum back to the original admin, who isnt coming back and now theres only me, who is an admin, but there are some things that i dont have access to, and he never even told me anything about what was going on!

    our forum is actually hosted for free, but with a few paid upgrades, that im not sure who is paying for, but we can actually survive until the domain name runs out in july.....then what happens, im not sure

    there are still me and the global mod, who run our own forum together, and a few other mods, and there are members posting regularly
  2. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    If you can't reach the other two admins at all, you may need to change your domain name and get a new hosting account.

    If you do that in enough time, your members will be able to make the transition comfortably. Unfortunately, you might lose all of your board's posts. :(

    Do you have any access to your database?
  3. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    no, i have no access to the database, i do have an email adress of the admin, hes not replied though. will give it a few days for him to reply.
  4. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    errr, that really sucks banannanna. hope it works out and you can take the torch, if not.....then you'd have to decide on going your own route to redo or not.
  5. Tex

    Tex Adept

    Call em up...

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neKXc7pw4go"]YouTube- Bananaphone[/ame]

    lol, sorry I couldn't resist. In all seriousness I hope you can reach him. The prospect of losing everything you worked for is not a nice thought. Do you even have FTP access? If the database isn't too big you could back it up from the ACP and download it via FTP.
  6. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    lmao, love it!!!!!

    no, i dont have ftp access or anything like that
  7. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Who are you hosting by?

    Also, if you need a tech admin, I am available.
    Look here for more info
  8. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    we are hosted by freeforums.org so maybe i should ask someone on there about it

    i know a few things about phpbb forums, running another 2 of them, and they do a lot of things for us anyway, so i guess it couldnt possibly be that hard :)
  9. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    BQ check this out: FreeForums.org -- Free Forums :: Advanced Hosting

    It looks if you start a hosting account with Host Gator they will transfer the site for you. From there you have the database and can move it to anywhere. It looks like the only way to get the data off their servers.

    If you can get the chief admin to okay it, spend $20 on a domain and 1 months hosting and at least get your data from there you can decide to stay with Host Gator or move to another host but at least you will have all your data. :)
  10. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    the problem is that the admin who made the forum has left without giving anyone else full permissions to do stuff like that.
  11. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    your screwed.....:cry:
  12. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Ehh, this happened to me, somewhat. I wasn't admin, I was a mod, Smod. At the time, the ACTUAL admin left the forum to a cockoo dude, he ended up destroying it and slapping it to my face literally. 1 year later, because the cockoo didn't wanna gimme the access, I am on a vB forum with my own domain and started on my own. It was hard because the site was already made, but it was hopeless.

    All I can say, move on.
  13. Lynne

    Lynne Regular Member

    This happened to me and is the reason I'm running my own site today. The site owner for a site I was a mod at kept disappearing and forgetting to pay the server bills. After this happened a few times, all us Mods said Goodbye and went and started our own site. The Admin finally came back and told me he was ready to be there and needed me to come back (I had been promoted to Admin by then) and I said No and that was the end of the old site.
  14. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    i still havent had contact with the admin

    well, i asked on the support forum, and it turns out that once the domain runs out, the forum will still be accessable through the freeforums url.

    i have access to most things, i cant set permissions or anything, apparently i can pay for upgrades and could buy a new domain if i wanted to, so that would be good :)

    i have decided that i am taking over, promoted a member to global mod, cause i need another mod to help me as i havent seen a few of them in a while, especially as i know little of the forums subject, i was given the job as admin cause i can do the back end stuff.

    i am also very impressed with one of my global mods, he googled the admins username, and found out that he is admin on another forum, and active regularly, he joined and sent him a pm telling him if hes not coming back to make me admin. and he has always been so helpful in moderating the forum, coming up with ideas... i think that if he does come back and give me full admin powers, i will promote this mod to admin, giving him the powers i have now.

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