Mile stone sticky thread

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by kev, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. kev

    kev Regular Member

    I think we need a "Mile Stone" sticky thread. Kinda like what they have at where links to forums with over 1 million post are posted.

    Instead of having lots of threads spread through the forum with stuff like "hey, I just got my 10,000th member" - give mile stones a certain location to be posted.
  2. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    If you want to make it in General, I can sticky. :)
  3. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Here ya go.

    Yesterday my forum broke 1 million post. That is what gave me the idea. Combined with the thread on big forums with over 1 million post, and " The one and only Happy Birthday thread".

    Since a lot of members here are just starting their forums, lets have a place for smaller forums to celebrate their milestones.

    I wanted to be the first post in the thread, so my forum that just broke 1 million post could be used as an example.

    That way, when new members read through this site, they see examples they can look up to.
  4. RockinRobbins

    RockinRobbins Adept

    I saw this thread and thought it was a great idea. I was just coming here to suggest an add-on when I saw this thread.

    Here's my thought: So what are the other milestones? Perhaps AA can use this to provide members with a badge that would show what they have accomplished. Everytime you pass a milestone with one of your forums you get a gold star or something. This would help somebody like me that is relatively new at building a community to find people who have experience in what I am trying to accomplish.

    I worked up an example of what I'm talking about. (Pls. don't laugh at my silly artwork, I am sure somebody more talented could give it a go if the idea floats.) Each star would represent a different milestone that the member achieved. Just a thought.

  5. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I really like this idea in general. In fact, maybe it could even take over the "Experience" option of the profile field in some way.
  6. RockinRobbins

    RockinRobbins Adept

    That would be much more helpful than "Beginner," "Advanced," and what ever is in between. I love that idea. :headbang:
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    What if somebody has more than one forum? Would you take the average of them all? That way, those who have multiple forums don't have a gigantic advantage over those who only have one... :shrug:
  8. RockinRobbins

    RockinRobbins Adept

    I would say that you get the "star" when you hit the milestone on any of your forums. The way I look at it is that person has the added responsibility of trying to manage many forums. Spreading yourself too thin is a difficulty many have talked about here so I don't know if it actually adds up to being an advantage or not.

    The other way you could look at it is the person needs to accomplish the task with all of their forums, but I don't think that's fair. For example, in tight niches some people may never achive 10,000 members.

  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    :S It kinda feels when I was in kindergarden and we got a 'estrellón'[Big star] every time we did something right. The first estrellón was given to me because I was the first one in my class to read, long story about that. u_u;; So I gets a star every time I do sum sum rite?

    Also, a milestone is different for other people.

    For one, 100 could be a huge milestone and for others just having 50 could be a huge milestone.

    ^~^ Estrellón, yay yay! \^o^/ ☆ ☆ ☆
  10. kev

    kev Regular Member

    I suggest a badge for members along these lines

    25,000 post forum owner
    50,000 post forum owner
    100,000 post forum owner
    500,000 post forum owner
    1 million post forum owner


    Nick, I recommend it be taken on a per forum basis.
  11. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    :S You see, 50,000 is to small, and as you said, this is for more recognition of smaller forums, so it's not really a milestone for some of us.

    I have over 2,000 posts on one of my forums and we're not even open, that is a milestone for me.

    I have constantly 20 or more people on the chat when last week we barely had 9, that's a milestone for me.

    Milestones are different for everyone and everyone has their opinion on what a milestone should be/can be or they should be recognized by. When a person goes in here and says "I just finally reached by 50th member! I completed one of my milestones" and they don't get a 'badge' wouldn't that discourage them...?
  12. RockinRobbins

    RockinRobbins Adept

    I think it is important to clarify the intention of this type of system. Forum owners usually have personal goals for their forums. Such as FMB pointed out - to have 2,000 posts before launch or to have 20 people on chat consistantly. I'm calling them goals to differentiate them from what we were calling milestones. To me a milestone is a major marker of success that can be recognized community-wide. Having posts before launch or having high chat traffic is great, but not something that everyone can look to achieve.

    In terms of the badge, these would be milestones that AA felt were important to recognize because having achieved these milesstones would signify that the member is an experienced forum owner. Things that all forums could have in common.

    For example, maybe the post count number is only 10,000 because AA believes that once you have 10,000 posts you are a bit more experienced. Yes, this specific milestone may be easier for some to achieve than others but I think that is part of the experience aspect. Those that can achieve it faster obviously choose a popular niche with a lot to talk about. Or, they were really good at faciliating conversation between their members. If we did a page rank milestone then it would be easier for a forum that's about a smaller niche to achieve faster than one for a larger niche. I think it evens out.

    Down to specifics

    I would suggest the following milestones:

    *Post Count

    I suggested this as a result of the post count conversation but not specifically in relation to it. For the reasons that FMB outlined, I wouldn't suggest having the whole system based on post count. I agree that doing milestones by post count can be tricky - but not impossible. What would be a good post count that would show that somebody is good at faciliating conversation between their members? I would suggest going with that number.

    *Page Rank - forum appears in the top 20 search results for their topic.

    *Member Count - forum has over 1,000 registered members.

    *Moderators - The Admin has appointed Moderators for their forum. I think this is a milestone because this is another aspect of forum management that people seem to have questions about.

    Please feel free to disagree with this list and/or add to it!

  13. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    We just had our 10,000th post!!
    2 people like this.

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