Metro Xenforo Theme inspired by windows 8 metro. Higly customized Xenforo theme, with many features and options to customize the theme further. For live demo here for further details and to buy go here . This same design is currently been working for Vb4, IPB(our first IPB theme) and MyBB. Minerskinz’s 8th Anniversary Celebration! Get 20% discount use coupon on checkout on our shopping cart ' MINERSKINZ8 ' Thanks.
Great work. I think this is one of the only decent variations of the metro theme I have seen. This is amazing. Great work, well done!
Yes we are working on this theme currently for Xenforo, IPB and soon for MyBB in next 15 days. Thanks.
This theme looks great, and it's working superbly with this forums. Looks very very effective indeed. xHysteria.