Members logging on

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by baby1, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    and then it says thank you for logging on and then it kicks them our right away. Its only 2-3 members I know of. And 1 of the members was using aol and switched to IE and it worked and he was able to log it. But any ideas on these other members on what I should tell them and why this has happened
  2. Marc

    Marc Checkmate - Game Over

    Tell those members to mark the "stay logged in" checkbox when logging into your forum, ;)
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    What script is this running on?
    Are you looking for help getting this to work correctly, ideally you want all users to have the same experience.
  4. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    Ok when a handful of my members try to log in it logs them in and it says thank you for logging in the it logs them back out asap. Even if you check the box it will not keep some of the members in. Now I logged in as them and it worked. Some did what I said clear cache,cookies,restart computer,hit run temp click delete all those files. Run the c cleaner everything. And some are able to get on but I have 2 members that just cant get on anymore after 7 years. Just one day poof wont let my members log on anymore those 2. So what could of happen. Could it be a server problem. Any answers could help
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    What script is this on?
    phpbb, mybb, vb, ipb, xenforo etc..?
  6. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member


    What happens is they login and it starts to take them to the forums, then it kicks back to the log in page.
    Brandon likes this.
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    thanks, I've moved it to the vBulletin section :thumbsup:

    is this on 3.x or 4.x?
    Can we see a link to your forum?
  8. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    3.8.7, thanks brandon
    Brandon likes this.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    What do you have for your cookie settings?
    Did this just start happening?
    Have any changes been made on the forum lately?
  10. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    Have to check with my husband on that but the site was down for a day last weekend. Server company was moving one of our other sites to a dedicated server and once that one was up and running, this one went down. I will get some more info on this when I can .
  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    okay good deal
    also check your cookie settings and post them
    usually it's

    It'll be listed at admincp > cookie settings >


    Do you have any third party addons?
    Are you forcing Compatablity Mode?
    Are you positive you're trying to login to the correct domain? and are two different domains as far as all browsers are concerend.
    baby1 likes this.
  12. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    no forcing compatibility mode
    yes to third pary add ons. there all updated no old ones have the same ones for years and updated them all the time. This has never happen like this before first time
    yes the member are logging in correct domain way.

    The majority of the ones cleared there cookies and it was fine for them but only a few are have problems but this is what happens. They log in it says thank you for logging in then it kicks them out so they have to log in again. But since they see there name on the bottom of the board with all the members what they do is click on there name it takes them to there profile page and then they click the forum and there on.So thats how they get on. Technicly as soon as it says thank you for logging on there on but kicks them out of the log in page.So thats whats happening. any ideas. can one of my . I ran and repair my optamize tabls and all vame back ok . Do you think a table is broken.but says its ok
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    to be honest it really sounds like a cookie thing.
    what do you have for your cookie settings in your admincp > cookie settings >
    and by this reply..
    did your host change your IP or anything during the server move?
  14. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    if they changed my ip wouldt everyone have a problem and when you said the cookies should look like this in ther admin panel what should it say or look like ,please show me thanks
  15. baby1

    baby1 Regular Member

    also Ifound this

    ok logging in problem with members
    they log in it says thank you kicks them out. they click the box and the same. in my admin panel I have set it where its all not just well on the bottom right where the contact us button is to the right is my boards name and I have it well when you click on it in the address bar it only shows there is no www. but when you look at it on the botton it says so where do I change it to www.

    ive told my members to clear cookies and cache,history,even ion the RUN %TEMP% delete. go to tools internet options security tab set it to mediumhigh.some have worked a few havent. but how do I change the bottom right next to the contact us tab my boards name and make sure when i click it shows up in the address bar www. not just​

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