What do you guys (and Gals) do with the "Members awaiting email confirmation" if they are in that state for an extended period of time. I assume it's people that initially signed up but, for some reason, thought better of it and never followed through. Do you bother them with emails or just delete them eventually?
I just leave them there. In the future I may bother with a follow up email, but at the moment it's not something I bother with. If they are legitimate users who've just entered their email addresses slightly wrong, I imagine most would contact you through another medium.
If its a period time, I just send them another activation email. I don't like deleting accounts because they may come back one day.
I delete them on a regular basis. Most forum scripts have a very straightforward registration system and it's all simple to do. If you can't be bothered to click on a link, I can't really help you. Anyway, most people who remain unconfirmed are spammers who think they can join with a fake email account. My board cannot 'sense' a fake email account, but can surely keep inactive someone who's not having a working email to receive my email conformation message.
I've been pruning anyone in the group over 30 days with less than 1 post. If I get a bounce email I'll manually drop a member in to the awaiting confirmation group this way the board don't keep sending them mail. I never delete an account with posts unless it's at the account owner's request.
If any member don't have his/her email confirmed for a period of time I just delete them off. I don't bother myself resending e-mails, they're probably spammers like others have said.
I just delete them. I purge once a month. I have gotten spam complaints in the past from the forum sending out reminders. It would appear that somebody who joined up got mad or forgot they joined and reported spam to my host so now I just remove them after thirty days. On the same note I also removed the Birthday email feature in VBull for the same reason.
Honestly, I get rid of those after a set amount of time. If the person wasn't willing enough to confirm themselves, then they more than likely are spammers, or weren't worth having at your site to begin with.